Follow on to review of Dr. Strange & the Multiverse of Madness:
* Excellent flic, lots of fun, worth full price
* The multiverses were well represented, and numerous. I remember eight
variants off the top of my head where action took place, and more than a
dozen visually distinct, stunning, interesting, ones that flash by as
America and Dr. Strange flee from danger.
* The CGI was OMG amazing ( no surprise )

On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 9:04 PM melchar via Basfa <>

> Minutes of Meeting #1654
> Monday, May 16, 2022
> Trey Haddad, President
> Ken Patterson, Vice President
> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
> Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
> held online, in exile
> ***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:
> Called to order at 8 pm
> 15 varied beings attended
> The minutes of meeting 1653 were accepted as 'Post-it notes from the edge'
> the Treasurer reported that everything is as it was & he is surviving new
> gainful employment
> We have:  Regular: $15,748.81;    Party: $230.58
> Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =
> the VP had nothing fannish to report
> the President had nothing fannish to report
> Committees=  Rinse & repeating from the Sports Committee:
>     SJGiants Saturday, July 30 Marvel's Defenders of the Diamond Night
> (evening game, 6pm) It’ll be the same Party Patio (along the first base
> line), $70/person. Buffet meal, 2 drinks tickets, unlimited water soda and
> snax. Send inquiries or PayPal to
> Ken announced that there have been more casting for the 60th anniversary
> of Dr Who posted online, including that David Tennant will be in it & says
> there is proof that the production filming is underway
> Howeird announced that Las Vegas is having a heat wave & it was 101 in his
> front yard today.  Trey noted that it's been unseasonably warm here, too
> Howeird reviewed binge watching 'Outer Range', an Amazon alleged 'science
> fiction mini-series' as it stars an incredibly stoic Josh Brolin.  It's a
> basic 'Bonanza' series with a few weird elements added that they left
> hanging with no real resolution.  He especially liked the role played by
> Tamara Podemski as the Native American gay sheriff, but felt disappointed
> by the show overall & since he got it for free - rates it as worth
> half-price
>    Craig follow-on'd, saying that he really wanted to like the show, but
> that the mild fantasy elements were inconsistant & arbitrary & not well done
>        and Howeird reviewed the final episode of 'Picard' - spurred on by
> Yochanan's review - but he found himself frustrated because the episode was
> very, very long & there were at least 8 points at which a resolution was
> reached, then a horrible thing happened, so it all had to be resolved again
> and again.  He would have preferred at least a third less length to the
> episode to have enjoyed it more
> John O reviewed the 'Bob & Nikki' books by Jerry Boyd as a 24-book series
> that are lightweight & fun.  They are more short novellas than novels & are
> highly self-referential & repeat many of the same elements over and over in
> a series of space opera adventures, but as a self-published series of $2.99
> Kindle books, they aren't bad
>         and he reviewed 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', also a
> multiverse movie as it was really fun.  He says all of the acting was
> handled very well & highly recommends the movie.  He thinks it should be
> seen on the big screen & Yochanan agrees with John 100%
> Yochanan reviewed 'Dr. Strange & the Multiverse of Madness' at an AMC
> discount showing & thought it was very fun.  He recommends watching the
> Disney Plus shows, especially 'Wandavision' for background information.  He
> was disappointed that the 'multiverse' was only represented by 3 or 4
> different worlds & thinks it is worth maybe full price, if you like Marvel
> movies
>         and he reviewed the remake of 'Firestarter' [original movie 1984,
> remake mini-series 2002] as he wanted to like it but wasn't very good,
> saying there were lots of plot-holes, the filming was constantly really
> dark or shot at night & it came across as a low-budget horror movie.  He
> does think the young actress played her part well
>         and he reviewed 'Project Pendulum' by Robert Silverberg as a time
> travel book with interesting ideas.  He enjoyed it, found it easy to read &
> highly recommends it
> Gayle favorably reviewed the 4th person who helped them find out what
> their problem with Comcast was - which turned out to require an actual
> visit & replacement of a cable that had been chewed on by squirrels and
> their router.
> Gerry reviewed an old ST Voyager episode, 'Once Upon a Time', as very well
> done & a gem of the genre.  Gayle commented that it was very touching
> we adjourned at 8:36 pm
> and the rumor of the week was = 'You can fit a lot of stuff in a hollow
> desk'
> --
> *******************
> She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?'
> *******************
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