Minutes of Meeting #1654
Monday, May 16, 2022

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8 pm
15 varied beings attended

The minutes of meeting 1653 were accepted as 'Post-it notes from the edge'

the Treasurer reported that everything is as it was & he is surviving new
gainful employment
We have:  Regular: $15,748.81;    Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

Committees=  Rinse & repeating from the Sports Committee:
    SJGiants Saturday, July 30 Marvel's Defenders of the Diamond Night
(evening game, 6pm) It’ll be the same Party Patio (along the first base
line), $70/person. Buffet meal, 2 drinks tickets, unlimited water soda and
snax. Send inquiries or PayPal to ba...@p4tt.com


Ken announced that there have been more casting for the 60th anniversary of
Dr Who posted online, including that David Tennant will be in it & says
there is proof that the production filming is underway

Howeird announced that Las Vegas is having a heat wave & it was 101 in his
front yard today.  Trey noted that it's been unseasonably warm here, too


Howeird reviewed binge watching 'Outer Range', an Amazon alleged 'science
fiction mini-series' as it stars an incredibly stoic Josh Brolin.  It's a
basic 'Bonanza' series with a few weird elements added that they left
hanging with no real resolution.  He especially liked the role played by
Tamara Podemski as the Native American gay sheriff, but felt disappointed
by the show overall & since he got it for free - rates it as worth
   Craig follow-on'd, saying that he really wanted to like the show, but
that the mild fantasy elements were inconsistant & arbitrary & not well done
       and Howeird reviewed the final episode of 'Picard' - spurred on by
Yochanan's review - but he found himself frustrated because the episode was
very, very long & there were at least 8 points at which a resolution was
reached, then a horrible thing happened, so it all had to be resolved again
and again.  He would have preferred at least a third less length to the
episode to have enjoyed it more

John O reviewed the 'Bob & Nikki' books by Jerry Boyd as a 24-book series
that are lightweight & fun.  They are more short novellas than novels & are
highly self-referential & repeat many of the same elements over and over in
a series of space opera adventures, but as a self-published series of $2.99
Kindle books, they aren't bad
        and he reviewed 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', also a
multiverse movie as it was really fun.  He says all of the acting was
handled very well & highly recommends the movie.  He thinks it should be
seen on the big screen & Yochanan agrees with John 100%

Yochanan reviewed 'Dr. Strange & the Multiverse of Madness' at an AMC
discount showing & thought it was very fun.  He recommends watching the
Disney Plus shows, especially 'Wandavision' for background information.  He
was disappointed that the 'multiverse' was only represented by 3 or 4
different worlds & thinks it is worth maybe full price, if you like Marvel
        and he reviewed the remake of 'Firestarter' [original movie 1984,
remake mini-series 2002] as he wanted to like it but wasn't very good,
saying there were lots of plot-holes, the filming was constantly really
dark or shot at night & it came across as a low-budget horror movie.  He
does think the young actress played her part well
        and he reviewed 'Project Pendulum' by Robert Silverberg as a time
travel book with interesting ideas.  He enjoyed it, found it easy to read &
highly recommends it

Gayle favorably reviewed the 4th person who helped them find out what their
problem with Comcast was - which turned out to require an actual visit &
replacement of a cable that had been chewed on by squirrels and their

Gerry reviewed an old ST Voyager episode, 'Once Upon a Time', as very well
done & a gem of the genre.  Gayle commented that it was very touching

we adjourned at 8:36 pm

and the rumor of the week was = 'You can fit a lot of stuff in a hollow

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