I'm pleased to see that SisterSong is getting some attention over in the
US, having had a small part in its creation. Lucy is one of the
international guests that we have signed up for the virtual programming
at Westercon 74.
Best wishes,
On 15/02/2022 04:44, Ken Patterson via Basfa wrote:
*Meeting #1641 - Monday, 14 February, 2022*
Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
****NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link*:
Called to order at 20:00
Total of 13 log-ins
The minutes of meeting 1640 were accepted as: History written by the
Regular: $15,737.77
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via PayPal - sent to =
dwgalla...@gmail.com <mailto:dwgalla...@gmail.com>
*Vice President*
Nothing Fannish to report.
Not present.
No committees reporting.
*New Business:*
No new business.
I'm speaking on Jewish scifi and fantasy on the 22nd at 7pm pst. Free
on zoom. all are welcome. Do tell your friends :)
And Clockwork Alchemy is Mar 18-20 https://www.clockworkalchemy.com/
RIP: Douglas Trumbull - VFX and director. 79 (2/7/22) Mesothelioma
RIP: Ivan Reitman, famed Director, passed away today.
Howierd is now wearing pants (in the American sense) for the first
time since hospital.
/Sistersong/ by Lucy Holland is a clever and modern adaptation of the
Bone Harp fairytale. /Wake, Siren: Ovid Resung/ by Nina MacLaughlin
was another clever retelling, of all the discarded lovers of Greek
myth. Legendborn is a magical Black girl at college with some
Arthurian myth, but better done than I'd expected.
/Around the World in 80 Days/. Great fun, actors enjoying themselves.
Great twists on the source material. On PBS, or Amazon Prime.
Reasonable realistic.
* Howard set his TiVo to record it, and the TiVo has been recording
something else. Will now look itup on prime…
Amazon Prime: Final (third) season of /Hanna/. Liked the first two
seasons, and was happy to see a third. Little disappointed. Didn’t
have the same pull of the first two. Story does come to a conclusion.
-Rick agrees that was fab for the first season.
/The Wheel of Time/. (Nothing about time travel) Interesting. Wasn’t
drawn in by the first couple episodes. Now up to #6 of 8. Slow burn,
great world building. A bit too talkie. Better than he thought.
-Rick - you should see the novels it was based on (re: talkie)
/Resident Alien/ (SyFy) still good, very worth your time. Kind of a
sitcom about a fish out of water alien.
-JohnO: Andy Tudyk is the lead.
-Yochanan: Liked the beginning of the series, but SyFy has a weird on
demand issue that made it hard for hime to watch it.
-Howierd: Started a few episodes in, and took a few episode to figure
it out.
/Astrid and Lilly Save the World/ (SyFy) Outcast girls accidentally
open up a gateway that lets strange monsters out. They get made into
monster hunters. Recommend as a fun thing to watch.
*Rumor of the Week: *
If you square an imaginary treasurers report, you get a negative balance!
Adjourned at: 20:36
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