Quoting Barbara Johnson-Haddad (melc...@gmail.com):

> the Relocation Committee reported that it is theoretically possible to hold
> BASFA meetings at 'The Dutch Goose', check dutchgoose.net at 3567 Alameda
> de las Pulgas in West Menlo Park.  Also if anyone has a location to check
> out please let the Relocation Committee know. Directions to the Dutch Goose
> are = http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/#directions

Technically, said irections are to Chez Moen, which happens to be  a block 
from The Dutch Goose (but I, too, make good pizza).

Cheers,                          "To make error is human. To propagate error
Rick Moen                        to all server in automatic way is #devops."
r...@linuxmafia.com              @DEVOPS_BORAT
McQ! (4x80)
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