Minutes of Meeting #1593
Monday, March 15, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8:01 pm
16 various beings eventually attended

The minutes of meeting 1592 were accepted as 'meow'

the Treasurer reported that we have money =
regular total is now $15,706.05; the party jar total is $230.58
money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report although his radio alter-ego
celebrated Pie Day

the President had a fannish dilemma & asked how people were going to handle
the release of 'Falcon & Winter Soldier', since he does not have streaming
& he misses movie theatres & going out to eat - he is suffering a moment of
angst - then there was discussion

Howeird announced that Norton Juster, who wrote 'The Phantom Tollbooth',
died last Monday at the age of 91

John O announced that Kaiser & several other medical group have sent out
message to members that they are now eligible for vaccination & that Chris
has been scheduled

Gerry announced that it is around the time to nominated for the Hugos &
says that 'Pacific Storm' by Linda Nagata is worthy of a Hugo nomination

Yochanan announced that Rasputin Records is getting rid of all their book
stock, so if you want books from them, go now

Lisa reviewed her problems with getting her 2nd vaccine shot & related her
run-around & being sent thru much phone tag & consulting tag & is still
trying to get the 2nd shot & she rated it as a major cluster-eff, Gerry
followed, saying that he has also been facing similar difficulties with
getting vaccinated

Yochanan reviewed 'Raya and the Last Dragon' as he saw it in an actual
theatre & it was a cute movie, but he wouldn't pay to ever watch it again -
a very Disney paint-by-number plot & the dragon was very disappointing, was
more like 'my little pony' and was maybe worth paying matinee, once; & then
reviewed an Amazon Prime show - 'Hunters' that he was disappointed by &
cannot recommend it & reviewed a show on HBO Max called 'Raised by Wolves'
and he is loving this show about androids trying to raise children & it's
very interesting & he recommends it highly

Howeird reviewed VP Harris coming to Las Vegas & seeing students getting
stabbed [with vaccination needles] on the Ides of March as it lacked
Brutus-ality & reviewed the first part of 'Pacific Storm' by Linda Nagata
as very compelling writing & he looks forward to reading the rest of the

Gayle reviewed MarsCon as there were very interesting panels, on exploring
Mars, on costuming & as regards space in the Biden era & she found the
con-runners did not account for not every convention goer not already
having a Google account & hopes she can go there live next year & Lisa also
saw some of the panels on Zoom, but is still having technical difficulties

Todd reviewed an anime series on Hulu, 'Jobless Reincarnation' as pretty
interesting & really well done & addictive

we adjourned at 8:46 pm

and the rumor of the week = 'Over the weekend we had to beware the pies of

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