I'll be missing BASFA this week; there's one-night-only presentation
that I must see.
Live long and prosper - Kennita
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Subject: Fwd: Madame Curie — a new & inspiring holiday musical (Dec 21)
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 23:10:47 -0800
From: Mark L <m...@marksemail.org>
To: Mark Lenhart <m...@marksemail.org>
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* "Wonderfest, Bay Area Beacon of Science" <tuc...@wonderfest.org>
*Date:* December 16, 2020 at 1:35:08 PM PST
*To:* em...@pacbell.net
*Subject:* *Madame Curie — a new & inspiring holiday musical (Dec 21)*
Madame Curie — a new & inspiring holiday musical (Dec 21)
Dear friend of Wonderfest, To begin our climb out of seasonal
darkness, Wonderfest presents a new, Broadway-quality,
science-and-hope-drenched musica
White BlueLogoOnBlack HD
Dear friend of Wonderfest,
To begin our climb out of seasonal darkness, Wonderfest presents a
new, Broadway-quality, science-and-hope-drenched musical on the
evening of the _winter solstice_
If you seek some tuneful holiday inspiration, this is it.
On Monday evening, December 21st, Wonderfest presents the YouTube
Premiere of */Madame Curie
a musical tribute to Earth's most influential woman scientist. *Marie
Curie* earned Nobel prizes in both physics and chemistry, and she
treated — directly and indirectly — over a million WWI soldiers with
her mobile X-ray units. Her bravery and brilliance /really are/
deserving of a musical!
According to writer/composer *David Kurkowski* */_Madame Curie_/, the
"deals with issues of xenophobia, gender bias, and the importance of
science." It is completely orchestrated in the Rogers & Hammerstein
tradition with beautiful music accessible to all ages. All ten of
/Madame Curie's/ experienced actors sheltered at their respective
homes during the recording; they never physically met, but the drama
and action still work!
CurieCast-w Names
This science-rich musical will be available as a Wonderfest group
experience /only next Monday evening/. (Be sure to tell the science
students in your life —particularly young girls!) Please set a
calendar reminder, now, for */Madame Curie
at 7:30pm PST on December 21st, the winter solstice, marking the start
of our seasonal climb back toward northern hemisphere light.
Wondrous regards,
Tucker Hiatt, Founding Director
P.S. Why not fill the evening of December 21st with a little /more/
science by viewing the closest conjunction of planets Jupiter and
Saturn in nearly 400 years? I thank Wonderfest Advisor *Prof. Alex
Filippenko* for info about this _Great Conjunction_
and I thank Wondernaut *Caxton Rhodes* for pointing us toward this
_excellent explanatory video_
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