Meeting #1561 - Monday, 3 August, 2020

Called to order at 20:06

Total of 20 log-ins

The minutes of meeting 1560 were accepted as: There

Treasurer. Same as last week.

Regular: $15,632.83 | Party: $230.58

Vice President: Nothing Fannish to report.

President: Not present.

No committees reporting.

No new business.


Acquired a second cat.. Shelter named it Meow Meow, now  named Heidi because 
she hides. 
BosCon is having a virtual art show. Weekend after this one. One day. <>  

A Worldcon occurred. Business meeting was in 2 parts of 5 minutes each, with 
business pushed to next year. Chicago 2022 won site selection 
<>. Hugos were given out. List online at 
<> . Lisa: Site selection 517 to 33 and 20 write-ins 
and 6 none. Saudis rescheduled their bid for later.
Nasfic Aug 21-23 for 3 days, no membership fee (donations welcome) <> 

Lisa: Baycon 2020 mini-con (ZOOM) info. on FaceBook. LAst one was pleasant and 
fun. Relaxing. 



Had trouble joining non-webinars. Good quality recordings are available. Filk 
Room was good, well moderated, got to see her favorite. Lots of experts on 
panels, and no lines! Hugos was not a webinar, so didn’t see it. Closing panel 
discussed the Hugos MC, and why things happened. Happy she went. FantasyNet app 
has recorded events on phone.

The Hugos went too long. Silverberg & Martin went on reiterating well known 
history. A mess. They yammered on… Much outcry online. Rates it as: Not well 
thought out. Some BKG music on announcements distracted from the announcement.

The Hugos suffered some technical issues were so basic that it drove him away. 
It was disjointed between live and recorded MC segments. Some attendees were 
dressed nicely. Did not attend anything else.

Watched some Hugos. Found it very boring. Neil Gaiman’s acceptance speech was 
beautiful, and is available online. There’s a 110 minute condensed version. 
[DaveG: Shorter version here: 
<> ]

Did number of panels, all went ok except his own presentation (technical 
reasons). Able to get around well. Didn’t do Hugos, but he usually doesn’t. 
Heinlein society had virtual chili party - which was more like a mini-con. 
Needs a more user friendly interface for older folk. Carole was a major 
presence in the hiss & purr. 

You can still watch the Hugos  

Amazing experience. Technical problems didn’t ruin for him. Martin & the ConCom 
thought it would be useful to have the history during the Hugos - for local 
attendees? Still enjoying panels he couldn’t attend live.

Enjoyed the con. Went to some panels on ZOOM. Hugos were tedious – gave up 
after a half-hour. Bradford chaired a panel. 

Odd shifting schedule without the sunlight. Watched masquerade, but it was 
horribly stuttering. Background music (same a Hugos) was overplaying some of 
the presentations. Impressive that they made it work with few problems. 


Last weekend the Mythopedic Society meeting used Jitsi Meet (open source) only 
13 participants. It has its ups and downs. Working on being more like ZOOM, but 
has only US phone for dial-in. It’s useable. No webinar functions.

SpaceX concluded the recent manned dragon mission. Everything went very well, 
until it got on the carrier… We have a working spaceship - the Endevor.

Astronauts were put on stretchers for after long space trips.

Watched closely. Boat situation at landing site with various authorities unable 
to control traffic. They will try better next time.

Watched the official stream. Control room and talking heads for half hour 
before splash – boring! Could have had a stream from a chase boat. They 
released a good video afterwards. 

Disney+ wasn’t accessible, went to Netflix and watched Another Life starring 
Katee Sackhoff. Not the greatest, but fun ride with Katee  kicking ass. 
Recommend. 11 total episodes. 

Katie is really interested in the future. 

The Physicians of Vilnoc by Lois McMaster Bujold. Not the best of series 
(placeholder?)  Reccommend if you’re reading the series. Available from the 
usual sources.

Week-and-a-half ago, attended a LASFS ZOOM meeting as an author (for his 
contribution to Straight out of Deadwood). Lary Niven was attending as a 
LASFAn, so glad he didn’t screw up…

Anyone can join the LASFS meetings, they are published on their FB page.

Rumor of the Week:  

The SpaceX Splashdown scored 10.0 (and a 6 from the Russian judge)

Adjourned at: 21:17
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