Minutes of Meeting #1548
Monday, May 4, 2020

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

Called to order at 8:08pm
22 beings & 2 cats attended

The minutes of meeting 1545 were accepted as 'still asymptomatic'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $0
Our regular total is $15,631.83; party total is $230.58
The Treasurer is investigating opening a Paypal account

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President is here & had nothing fannish to report

Sports Committee has still heard nothing back yet

John O announced that 2 of their friends recently married, despite the
Troubles & both changed their last name & married at precisely 5/4 3:21

Gayle announced that she found people's screen backgrounds interesting & a
friend of hers had successful surgery

Lisa announced that it is May the 4th, with various hilarity going on &
announced that she got a really cute oil painting of her kitty from

Howeird announced that his neighbors made a good terrain pun at his mobile
home park - a wet area called 'Sinkhole de Mayo'

Ken announced that Westwind is opening up the Capital drive-in, so it will
be possible to see movies

Gayle reviewed the most recent production from the Met opera being
streamed, Borodin's opera 'Prince Igor' as very well done; check metopera.or

Howeird reviewed his local garbage bulk pickup as amazingly efficient

Todd reviewed ... commented?... that there are drive-in churches being held

John O reviewed Benedict Cumberbatch as Victor Frankenstein in the
livestreaming event as he did a truly incredible acting job - highly
recommended & reviewed the 1st 2 eps of 'Penny Dreadful - City of Angels'
as definitely recommended

Dave C reviewed a cartoon - new to him - 'The Adventures of Harley Quinn'
as it reminds him of 'Archer', but with much better animation, but it is
not quite to his taste; Lisa agreed, Valerie is uncertain who the target
demographic  for it is

we adjourned at 8:53 pm

Rumor of the week was = the rumors will appear when we all get unmuted

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