Minutes of Meeting #1547
Monday, April 27, 2020

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

Called to order at 8:08pm
16 beings, a cat & a Porg attended

The minutes of meeting 1545 were accepted as 'zoom meeting course 101'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $0
Our regular total is $15,631.83; party total is $230.58
It was suggested that BASFA open a Paypal account - this will be

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

Cliff announced that he has sold a story & been paid [the important part!]
& that his bibliography is here:

Gayle announced that the Metropolitan Opera has its members working from
home cooperatively;
Lisa follow-on'd that her uncle used to compare & contrast the NY as versus
the SF opera seasons

John O announced that Freddy Brown, a  Filker from Ontario Canada, lost his
battle with cancer this week & announced that Charlie Jane Anders' Hugo
nom'd book - "The City in the Middle of the Night" - is available on most
ebook sites for $2.99

Valerie announced that she is nearly done with another book

Valerie reviewed My Youtube how to cite videos as it has awkward phrasing
and the closed captioning is annoying; she really enjoyed Malvolia in
National Theatre's Twelfth Night, playing through Thursday & reviewed 'Love
Never Dies' as controversial, but not wholly terrible & she is curious
about what Andrew Lloyd Webber will release next week

Lisa reviewed 'Love Never Dies' as it did not hold her attention

Dave Wallace reviewed the Hugo nom'd 'Good Omens' miniseries as really,
really good & was impressed with the acting & story, highly recommended &
reviewed a John Scalzi book, 'The Last Emperox' as worth reading, Rick
followed, saying he is having a blast of a time reading the book

Cliff reviewed a 'Picard' as made by a Berkeley native & he has enjoyed it
& recommends it, Bob followed that his personal taste did not find it
enjoyable & Cliff reviewed Patrick Stewart reading a Shakespeare sonnet a
day on Facebook as a lot of fun =

John O reviewed his Hugo Reading the novella, 'To Be Taught, If Fortunate'
by Becky Chambers as interesting & reviewed the novel, 'Gideon the Ninth'
by Tamsyn Muir as extremely Goth - several folks followed, agreeing as to
the degree of Goth

Gayle reviewed that she has enjoyed the Met opera performances being
streamed, check metopera.org

and THANK YOU Fred! [Yes!  Put urls in chat please]

we adjourned at 9:08 pm

Rumor of the week was = In the future the gothic novels will be printed
with black ink on black paper.

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