Minutes of Meeting #1461
Monday, July 30, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm - noting that we hadn't scared off Michael
28 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1460 were accepted as 'reduced to pixels'

the Treasurer was absent

the VP said 'nah'

the President had nothing fannish to report

JC announced that they are having a yard sale at their place this weekend,
likely starting around 7am - please come by = 1347 Acadia Ave in Milpitas

Lisa announced that her birthday party is this Saturday & if you want to
come by, you are welcome - check Facebook for details

Valorie announced that the anthology 'Uncertain Destinies' is coming out
tomorrow in paperback & is already on Amazon via Kindle -

John O announced that voting for the Hugo award ends tomorrow, the 31st

Dave C announced that Playland not at the beach is having a clearance sale
- check playland-not-at-the-beach.org for more information

the secretary reviewed our summer vacation as too much traffic & a tooth
broke the first night away, Southern California was uncomfortably hot - the
whole rated as 'stay home & stay cool'

Carole reviewed Confluence in Pittsburg, PA as the filking was very good &
concert heavy - considered it a successful convention; Bill followed,
saying it was a lot of work for him, but it was good for him and he enjoyed

Ken reviewed the SF Symphony doing music from Star Wars as recommended &
mostly enjoyed

Dave C reviewed 'Oceans 8' & he wants his 2 hours back - it did not grab
him & rated as 'wait for cable'

we had an auction

we adjourned at 8:41

Rumor of the week was 'Be kind to the secretary'

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