Meeting 1148
July 30, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - with better coverage of the Olympics here than offered by NBC

We established a party jar
30 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1147 were accepted as 'missing in action'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $2.88 in the regular jar
and $4.00 in the
party jar

The VP has a new issue of 'Drink Tank' out - with a Mo cover - & the theme
of the next 'Journey Planet' will be about James Bonds

The President reported that he went to SoCalif and saw a BASFAn there -
Craig Ferguson - & that in minutes 23 & 45 you can see the backs of his
[and my own] heads

The AdHoc Cinema Committee's mouthpiece reports that 'Hair' is showing at
the Retrodome this weekend

The Sports Committee reported that 10 BASFAns asked for tickets to the
Giants/Cubs game at Wrigley Field during ChiCon 7 - on Friday Aug 31 - and
that he now has purchased them

Adrienne announced that on there'll be a Ghost Tour in Chicago, first day
of the Worldcon, Thursday, Aug 30 - the Haunted City tour, in a tour bus,
$26 in advance, $28 as a walk up & also announced that the Bay Area Ghost
Hunters group now numbers 800 members

Chris announced that the Eaton Conference at UC Riverside has announced
their honorees for next February & he announced that he'll be running
Fanzine Lounge at Worldcon & it will be in function space [so no beer]

Josh announced that there will be an Alton Brown lecture soon at the SJ
Convention Center [he is arranging it for February or March next year]

Lisa announced that there's a convention coming up:  Mythcon this weekend
at UC Berkeley - check for info at

Mo announced that she has won an award for original art [& we cheered her]

Dave G announced that there are 27 hours left to vote on the Hugos

Chris reviewed Sacramento as his favorite city in the world, it's pretty &
reviewed his sense of direction as moronic & reviewed getting lost as
aethetically pleasing & reviewed the Peking Restauraunt in fairmont as
awesome - the best Chinese food place ever!

Adrienne reviewed sharing a hotel room with Mo at the Hilton Anders West
with Mo as they had loud neighbors & the bathroom was small; while Mo
reviewed the rest of the room as being reasonably large - with an excellent
climate control & then they had a drive-by Gallahering ;

[tall] Kevin commented on the mall near there as having not wee-configured
sidewalks - but that there's a nice thrift bakery close by & it's a 3 hour
train ride from the Bay Area

[evil] Kevin reviewed 'Airplane', seen at the Retrodome as fun & Josh
reviewed it as he thought it was worth full price AND shaving his head for,
while Chris thought it was awesome

Bradford reviewed San Diego as he saw Ringo Starr perform there & enjoyed
the show

JC reviewed that seeing an old theatre demolished raised a strong sense of
nostalgia in him

we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:27 pm
and the rumor of the week was:  'God!  Oh God!  Oh dear God!'

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