Minutes of Meeting #1455 Monday, June 18, 2018 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas
Called to order at 8 pm 28 people attended we established a party jar The minutes of meeting 1454 were accepted as 'already posted on the internet' the Treasurer reported that we took in $0.25 in the regular jar & $29.00 in the party jar the VP had nothing fannish to report but was glad to see the President back the President had nothing fannish to report The Sports Committee reported that the BASFA outing to see the SJ Giants happened & thanked everyone who came out & then JC thanked Ken for the effort he made on our behalf ANNOUNCEMENTS: The secretary announced that there were items of clothing on the back table as give-aways [young] Harold announced that the Zeldathon Champions, a charity live streaming event is still going on - and that they have now raised a total of 2 million, supporting St. Jude. check zeldathon.net for more information Ken announced that this Wednesday in SF is the SF Lesbian Gay Freedom Band Gala at the War Memorial Opera House [see https://www.eventbrite.com/e/40th-anniversary-gala-dinner-celebration-war-memorial-green-room-tickets-44923068106 ] & he announced that the Palo Alto Players are performing 'The Man Who Came to Dinner' at the Lucie Stern theatre through July 1 [see https://patch.com/california/paloalto/calendar/event/20180616/351888/palo-alto-players-presents-the-man-who-came-to-dinner ] & he announced that this Friday is the Legion of Rassilon meeting; 7:30 pm at the Denny’s in Campbell, near the Pruneyard on Bascom & he announced that this Sunday is the SF Pride Parade & that he & Geri will be in the Grand Master's Division .. at 10-ish [for more, see http://www.sfpride.org/] & he announced that he might not be at next Monday's meeting because he is due to have an gastrointestinal endoscopy Chris O commented that it is still not to late to help the Pride Parade by joining the Safety Crew & there will be training for it on June 20, check [ http://www.sfpride.org/volunteer/] Spring announced that Puppeteers for Fear will be putting on Cthulhu the Musical on June 26 at Alley Cat Books [for more check https://puppeteersforfears.com/] Carole & Bill announced that yesterday was their 18 wedding anniversary JC announced that next Baycon's theme is 'Insert Coin to Continue' and will be held over Memorial Day weekend, tentatively at the San Ramon Marriott & announced that Katlyn will attend Cal Poly Pomona Lisa announced that she will be going to Westercan & there will be a memorial for Harold on Thursday & a memorial for Harold at Worldcon 76 on Friday John O announced that Bay Area fan Sara Zimmerman passed away last week [evil] Kevin announced that there will be a Worldcon 76 party at Westercon on Friday REVIEWS: John O reviewed seeing 'Genesis of the Daleks' as it was fun to see it on the big screen - and that it should be available on the season 12 blue-ray Fred reviewed Mur Lafferty's 'Six Wakes' as well-written, entertaining & highly recommended - Dave [Wallis] followed, saying it was thought provoking Vikas reviewed the Drake Awards Gala event as dressy, classy and a nice event [see https://commitchange.com/ca/mountain-view/seti-institute/events/the-2018-drake-award ] Gayle reviewed Fran Wilde's 'Clearly Lettered in a Mostly Steady Hand' as she'll have to read it a second time to truly appreciate it JC reviewed an outing to the Pirate Festival in Vallejo as it was really nice and worth full price the secretary reviewed being sick as 'too much phlegm' and reviewed 'Solo' as much better than expected, worth full price, twice Dave [Wallis] reviewed 'Infinity War' as the ultimate MCU movie - generally well done & interesting & also reviewed having read many of the Hugo finalists as entertaining & he's still working to catch up on his reading Lisa reviewed 'Won't you Be My Neighbor', the Mister Rogers documentary, as wonderful & Ken followed, saying - 'yes - bring tissues' Chris O reviewed 'Incredibles 2' as worth full price, twice & recommended Bill reviewed the BASFA SJ Giants outing as the weather was lovely, the food adequate and the company was excellent we had auctions we adjourned at 9:20 Rumor of the week was 'what happened to the SJ Giants wasn't cricket' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
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