Meeting 1143
June 25, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm, with mad props to Josh!
We established a party jar
32 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1142 were accepted as 'who is Kaiser Permanente?'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $7.90 in the regular jar
and $1.25 in the party jar

The VP reported 'Hi Ric, hi Deb, hi BASFA' relayed from Lynda and then he
said that the next issue of 'Drink Tank' will have a Mo cover & there
should be a new 'Journey Planet' out 'soon' & the next issue of 'Apex' will
have an article he wrote in it

The President had nothing fannish to report

The AdHoc Cinema Committee says that the Retrodome will have 'Young
Frankenstein' there in 2 weeks - show up ... & in costume

The Sports Committee reports that it's 7-0 Giants vs Dodgers in the 3rd
inning and he won't be at Westercon

Ken announced that this Friday he will get a degree from Foothill College

Andy announced that Westercon will be in Seattle in 2 weeks & that they
will host parties on Friday & Saturday night - they could use help; [tall]
Kevin added that there will be a 'thru the wormhole' Tonopah party Friday &
will chair the Westercon Business meeting on Friday as well & will be
absent from BASFA for the next 2 weeks; Lynn says she'll be at Westercon &
doing a concert Saturday at 7:30; & Bill, Carole & Lisa will all be there

[evil] Kevin announced that there will be 'totally normal' parties Friday &
Saturday nights & the secret decoder ring is up on running on their site &
Chris announced that Frank Wu is Westercon's artist GoH

Ric announced that the next Pachakachakachakachachacha will be in San Jose
& he is now affiliated with SPUR & announced that Janet Higgins says that is not going out of business

Chris then volunteered to be on a club awards committee

Bob announced that on Sunday the A's won a game

Chris announced that there was a controversy in the world of Steampunk &
some of it was really good stuff - check
 <<the secretary checked & said link did not exist in any form - however
there IS = which seems to be what Chris
was talking about>>

Debbie reviewed a Gail Carriger reading as lovely and Gail had a wonderful

Bob reviewed a Borderlands event with 3 authors - David Brin, AM
Dellamonica & JA Pitts as a marvellous experience, he had a great time

Lynn reviewed Hawaii as wonderful & she found more kinds of Spam there than
you could possibly imagine

Ric reviewed Hawaii as he prefers maui & its moonscape, enjoyed the volcano
tour & reviewed 'Cards against Humanity' as helped into existance by
Kickstarter & available on Amazon [for $25 & $10 for the expansion] & he
recommends both

Dave C reviewed 'Masked' by Lou Anders - a superhero anthology - as worth
trade papaerback & interesting - and reviewed a 'documentary' = 'Abraham
Lincoln, Vampire Hunter' as it needed a larger budget & thought the book
was better; Ric commented it was more 'Crouching Lincoln, Hidden Vampire' &
Dave C then reviewed the Youtube of 'Gamer Girl, Country Boy' as worth
checking out

I reviewed 'Brave' as very pretty and fluffy and fun to watch - that I
enjoyed the bears and Meridia's hair - and thought it worth full price;
Carole very much enjoyed it [worth matinee]; Bill found it pretty but

Bill reviewed 'Slabscape' as he will be very disappointed if it turns out
to be a computer simulation & reviewed the 'Avengers' as there were too
many multipurpose devices, but still found it worth full price - and a
second viewing; Diane reviewed it as a delightful romp & Brad sees it is
now #28 on the all-time list

Carole reviewed the Coast Starlight as a nice train ride, but at 11-12
hours, make sure to bring your own food

Diane reviewed Ian MacDonald's 'Cyberabad Days' as well-written and very
good and she may have another new favorite author

Dave G reviewed SETIcon as generally pleasant & they had a good time [it
drew 500-600]; Brad reviewed it as he went and enjoyed the panels on
extra-solar planets & got good pictures

we did auctions
we adjourned at 9:41 pm
and the rumor of the week was:  'Crouching Lincoln, hidden vampires'

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