There is a free neighborhood haunted house up off 85 and DeAnza put on by
some SCA folks - they are in the last few days of building it. It will be
"open" 7-10pm on Halloween night.  They have a bunch of twisty mazes, a
rat/bat/snake area, a spider area, an evil clown area, a zombie baby
area.   Scary fun!  They are collecting food and donations for Second
Harvest. Not sure if you can see the flyer on my facebook page -

>From the build team (Let me know if you'd like to contact them and help.
If you are coming to help build, bring a staple gun if you have one...)
We'll be hanging the scary stuff, assembling skeletons to impale, and
getting all the costumes ready to throw on people. We'll be working from
4:00PM-7:00 PM tonight, from noon-5:00PM Saturday, and (maybe) after tea on
Sunday from 4:00-7:00. Please come by and see how its shaping up - there's
nothing like staple gun therapy to vent your stress.
6768 Crosby Ct.
San Jose CA 95129
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