Meeting 1211
October 14, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8-ish - with dinner interrupted
26 people attended

A party jar was EVENTUALLY established

The minutes of meeting 1210 were accepted as 'BASFA is a not-so-elaborate
Ponzi scheme'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $5.40 in the regular jar &
$4.60 in the party jar

the Vice President reported that there is a new 'Klaus at Gunpoint' & a new
'Drink Tank' will be out tomorrow - and Beth is already moaning about
Garcia's grammar

The President had nothing fannish to report

Adrienne had a question; Carole had a question

Adrienne announced that she has pads to give away

Ric announced that there will be a Nov 26 PechaKucha at Cafe Stritch &
announced that fanboy planet podcast, episode 328 is available now &
announced that lost episodes of Dr Who have been found & announced that
there will be a wine tasting on Oct 19 from 11am - 5pm at the Traviseo
Winery & announced a death & announced that Wendy & Richard Pini have
finished Elfquest and that Miracle Man will reappear

Debbie announced that Gail Carriger will be at the Willow Glen Hicklebee's
Nov 5 at 7pm

JC announced that episode 19, part 2 of Nerdvana Podcast will be up
Wednesday & announced that his nephew Will is going to be on a reality TV

[evil] Kevin announced that Barbot 2013.75 will be Oddfellows Hall on Oct
25-26 at a kick-off for Bay Area Science Fest - check

Bradford announced 3 comic conventions will be in the months and year to
come - Sac Con Dec 8 at the Sacramento Scottish Rite Center; East Bay Comic
Con Feb 16 2014 at the Concord Hilton & Big Wow Comic Fest May 17-18 at the
SJ Convention Center

Bill announced that Convolution is Nov 1,2,3 at the Hyatt Regency

Stacy announced upcoming psychic events as Oct 25 is Ship of Spirits, Oct
26 is the Monster Ball & Nov 2 is a Mare Island ghost walk - then Adrienne
followed, saying that Pleasanton holds ghost walks in October

Chris announced that a new Krispy Kreme place opening & that JC is broken

Ken announced that the Retrodome has a new home at the Century 21 on
weekends from Nov 1 thru Dec 29, check their schedule at

Yochanan announced that Oct 19 there will be a Jewish film festival - check

Lisa announced that Big harold is in the hospital and already on the mend

Ken reviewed the new Dr Who episodes as very good - Mo theinks their
quality is great

JC reviewed 'Hitchcock' as very, very good

Josh reviewed a PenWAG meeting as lots of fun; reviewed 'The Smoking Pig'
as he was really impressed & reviewed Tapsilong Bistro as also worth full

Dave G reviewed the McHenry grand reopening gala as quite entertaining

Ric reviewed the 'Midsummer's Nights Dream' reading as very good & reviewed
'Walking Dead' season 4 opener as things went nuts fast

Bill reviewed 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' by Saladin Ahmed as very well
written and worth retail

Yochanan reviewed 'Once Upon a Time in Wonderland' as disappointing & Mo
also saw it and enjoyed it but thought it was a lesser work

Dave C reviewed 'Shattering Conventions by Bob Calhoun as he's a fun writer
& had lots of fun with the book - recommended & reviewed 'Afterlife with
Archie' as hilarity ensues

Bradford reviewed 'Iron Sky' as a pleasant take on funny Nazis & reviewed
APE as he enjoyed it - please go to it and Mo agrees

Beth reviewed the season 2 opener of 'Arrow' as they removed his clothes
early on & reviewed the 'Dream Inn' in Santa Cruz as outstanding and their
pool was nice - pricey but recommended

then we did auctions

we adjourned at 10:04 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'BASFA hates letting the president vote'

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