To follow on to this, you can start filling out your online ballot at any time, 
save it, and come back to it later.  You do not have to "submit" the ballot; 
the votes you have on it will be counted as soon as the voting period closes.


 From: "Standlee, Kevin" <>
To: BASFA list <> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 6:14 PM
Subject: [Basfa] Hugo Voting Deadline Nigh

See -- 
the deadline for voting in this year's Hugo Awards is next Wednesday, July 31, 
and the deadline is 23:59 CENTRAL daylight time. That's two hours earlier 
(21:59, or 9:59 PM) in California. I know that at least one BASFA member put 
off nominating until the deadline and was caught out by the fact that voting 
had closed two hours before she was ready to cast her ballot. Don't miss out! 
Don't let a computer going down or a local internet outage stymie you! Cast 
your ballot now and don't put it off until the last minute.


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