The Sports Committee has tickets for the Friday, May 10 game versus the Atlanta 
Braves.  (The tickets arrived today.)  The cost is $35.50 each and these are in 
Section 314.


On Apr 23, 2013, at 6:24 PM, Adrienne Foster <> wrote:

> I thought the Sports Committee was getting tickets for the game on Friday, 
> May 10. Has this changed?
> Adrienne, who arrived late
> From: melchar <>
> To: BASFA list <>; chris garcia <>
> Sent: Tue, April 23, 2013 3:28:33 PM
> Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for April 22
> Meeting 1186
> April 22, 2013
> Trey Haddad, President
> Chris Garcia, Vice President
> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
> Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
> held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
> Began at 8pm with economic privilege & lots of dudes
> 27 people attended
> A party jar was established
> The minutes of meeting 1185 were accepted as 'the soul of wit'
> the Treasurer reported that last week the regular jar took in $12.50 & the 
> party jar took in $9.04
> the Vice President reported there was no new 'Drink Tank' & he and Lynda will 
> be at the first of the 5 cons for their doco at Nova Albion
> The President had nothing fannish to report
> the Sports Committee reported that he is collecting money for the Giants 
> tickets for the May 4th game - $35.50 per ticket & their Star Wars day will 
> be Sunday, Sept 8; then Dude#6 said this Wednesday & Thursday the SJ Giants 
> will do their free tickets/merchant's day [tickets available at OSH]
> Announcements:
> Dude#5 announced that Mo isn't here right now but wants a Dell power supply & 
> also announced that he has become a Nevadan
> Dude#7 announced that May 11 is National Train day
> Dude#8 announced that Roberts Books in SJ is closing
> Dude#9 announced that Nerdvana podcast parts 3 & 4 are being posted this and 
> next Wednesday & mentioned other stuff - check
> Dude#10 announced that George Lucas is applying for affordable housing  for 
> Grady ranch
> Dude#11 announced that there will be a Legion of Rasselon meeting this Friday 
> at 7:30 pm at the Carl's Jr at 1st & Trimble & 'come play with us'
> Reviews:
> Dude#10 reviewed the latest Dr Who episode as flawed but still worth stealing
> Dude#12 reviewed Robogames as Thinbot came back with the gold - the C3PO 
> medal & it was great fun & Thinbot will next be pouring at the Nebula awards
> Dudette #2 reviewed Peter Beagle's birthday as a good time was had and a 
> digital re-rendered print of 'The Last Unicorn' was shown & will now be taken 
> on a world tour
> Dude#9 reviewed that one of his daughters helped sing the National anthem at 
> a Friday Sabercats game, did well, but there were lots of really loud 
> pyrotechnics there that were psychologically jarring & then also performed on 
> Saturday and did really well
> Dudette#3 reviewed 'Oblivion' as 'purty' and worth matinee
> Dude#2 reviewed 'stuff' and 'things' as amazing and awesome and may have used 
> human tears, then said Lynda found some fabric right away & then reviewed 
> 'Mister Badass' as he is the perfect man
> Dude#7 reviewed the SJ Songkran festival as he didn't get wet enough & it was 
> bright/sunny without shade - which is why he is glowing now; it was free but 
> he would've paid for it
> Dude#13 reviewed Hodder's 'Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon' as more 
> alternate history steampunk - a fascinating read and worth trade paperback
> Dudette #4 reviewed the World Book Night as she is blown away by it and it's 
> awesome & reviewed 'The Tender bar by JR Moehringer as she highly recommends 
> the book and the whole process of book donation
> Dude#14 reviewed the Eton conference - delivered a paper there that was 
> well-received and he may have been the only historian there & this may be 
> good because he remembers there was a past - and he had fun and met John 
> Landis
> then we did auctions
> we adjourned at 9:45 pm
> and the rumor of the week was:  'JC is developing a new game - boob bingo'
> -- 
> *******************
> She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?'
> *******************
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