> Dudette #2 reviewed Peter Beagle's birthday as a good time was had and a 
> digital re-rendered print of 'The Last Unicorn' was shown & will now be taken 
> on a world tour

It was indeed a good time, though I had completely forgotten, over the decades, 
that a large part of the film's visual conceit was basically My Pretty Pony on 
steroids … I mean, we're talking Jackhammers of Twee here. 

Swallow that pill and the rest of the movie moves along pleasingly enough … 
nice Rankin Bass landscapes, and Beagle's story has a lot of compassion that's 
missing from many contemporary narratives. 

Also, Mia Farrow and Jeff Bridges both had singing-star solos …. most 
definitely classics of the "Golden Throats" variety! 

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