I good place to verify something like this is the website Preditors and Editors:
http://pred-ed.com/ Some contests and schemes really are legit, and the mission of P&E is to keep aspiring writers informed on scammers. Sometimes it isn't just contests, writers can also be taken advantage of by people calling themselves agents and publishers. The fact the URL you provided is already gone indicates it's bad. I believe SFWA also has a page for this type of thing too. Adrienne --- On Tue, 4/9/13, Andrew Trembley <attre...@bovil.com> wrote: From: Andrew Trembley <attre...@bovil.com> Subject: Re: [Basfa] Question about potential literary scam To: "Josh Wilson" <rea...@the-fabulist.org> Cc: "BASFA list" <ba...@basfa.org> Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 3:28 PM it seems to already be gone. On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Josh Wilson <rea...@the-fabulist.org> wrote: Folks, this may be of interest to some people here. I received an email asking me to enter one of the stories on The Fabulist into some sort of contest. I was referred to this page: http://aristocracyproject.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=11 I can't decide if this is a scheme or not. It certainly seems …. "interesting." But is that in a good way or a bad way? I welcome your thoughts. josh _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list Basfa@lists.basfa.org http://lists.basfa.org/listinfo.cgi/basfa-basfa.org -----Inline Attachment Follows----- _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list Basfa@lists.basfa.org http://lists.basfa.org/listinfo.cgi/basfa-basfa.org
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