Meeting 1184 April 8, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:02 pm 27 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1183 were accepted as 'she typed 'em up' no Treasurer no Vice President The President had nothing fannish to report Announcements: [evil] Kevin announced a Westercon meeting Sunday, April 14 at the Hilton Arden West, Sacramento & announced that David Gerrold will be the Westercon 66 Toastmaster - and Adrienne warned that pollens are crazy-bad in Sacramento right now; then [evil] Kevin announced that in 2 weeks Thinbot will be defending its title at the Robogames at the San Mateo fairgrounds - check Ken announced that there'll be a Psychotronic Film Festival on Saturday, April 13 - in room 5015 at Foothill college & announced that in May KFJC will have a lot of specials & he's on from 2-6pm Mo suffered a head leak Hilary announced that she's looking for volunteers for 'Clockwork Alchemy' [held over the Memorial weekend then Mo announced that she's looking for help from local artists for Fanime's art show and Marshall announced that he'd looking for volunteers for a Rover Squad at Clockwork Alchemy- see him Reviews: JC reviewed 'GI Joe Retaliation' as very entertaining & recommended - Bruce Willis wasn't that bad - worth full price Debbie reviewed the new Dr Who series as excellent; Ric followed that is was less Cthulhu-like than it seemed, Dave C commented that it seemed as though dream logic was in evidence & Andy thought it was a bit weak Mo reviewed 'Dial M for Murder' as a very good movie & a gen to watch, then reviewed 'The Devil's Envoys' and 'Hand of the Devil' as excellent fairy tale movies - free on Hulu right now; then Dave C commented that 'House' is also free on Hulu right now & Mo opined that nothing is scarier than Japanese horror films Adrienne reviewed 'Hansel & Gretel Witchhunters' as she actually enjoyed it - it was just fun - then reviewed the Almaden Expressway Robertson's car was as stay the heck away from it [tall] Kevin reviewed John Picacio's web blog on how Worldcon's work as highly recommended = Carole reviewed the TV show 'Once Upon a Time' as somewhat annoying & Mo commented that she likes the show Bill reviewed 'Brigadoon' [at the Montgomery Theatre in SJ, plays April 7,11,12,13,14 & has Howeird in it] as very credibly-done community theatre - worth full price; check for more info at Josh reviewed a Rockwell Winery tasting as delicious, worth full price & the staff was very helpful then we did auctions we adjourned at 9:19 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Boobies' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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