Hi all - I have been totally swamped getting ready for the FIRST robotics competition coming up first week in April at SJSU. I'm the volunteer coordinator for that event. I can especially use some volunteer Robot Inspectors for Thursday April 4th. If you can help with that or just general volunteering, please sign up - see below. ~Elise
************************************* I'm writing to ask for your help with the Silicon Valley Regional FIRST Robotics Competition for high school age kids April 3rd-6th at the San Jose Event Center. We need at least 100 volunteers of all ages and talents to run the competition - referees, safety inspectors, crowd control, setup, check-in, etc. Make ABSOLUTELY sure you list Silicon Valley Regional competition as your chosen event or I won't be able to see your profile. Please sign up online if you have some time to help - and tell your friends. It's lots of fun! Also, the competitions ares open to spectators so tell your friends to come and watch. I need to get volunteers signed up right away so we'll be ready. If you think you may be able to help - whether just one or all those days - please sign up now! Forward this to anyone interested- whatever their background (college students, retired, anyone who can help!). Go to: http://www.usfirst.org/vims I'm fairly well stocked on Saturday volunteers currently but I especially need Robot Inspectors and other volunteers on all day Thursday April 4th. If needed (for some positions) training will be supplied either at the time of the event, or on-line. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. Volunteers will receive a **complimentary FIRST T-shirt** to be worn on-site at all times when they are volunteering, and can worn with casual wear such as blue jeans or khakis and comfortable closed toe shoes. The volunteer T-shirts will be available on-site when you first arrive to work the event. Hope to see you there! Elise Engelhardt Volunteer Coordinator techel...@gmail.com What is the FIRST Robotics Competition? FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is a unique varsity sport of the mind designed to help high-school-aged young people discover how interesting and rewarding the life of engineers and researchers can be. The FIRST Robotics Competition challenges teams of young people and their mentors to solve a common problem in a six-week timeframe using a standard "kit of parts" and a common set of rules. Teams build robots from the parts and enter them in competitions designed by Dean Kamen, Dr. Woodie Flowers, and a committee of engineers and other professionals. FIRST redefines winning for these students because they are rewarded for excellence in design, demonstrated team spirit, gracious professionalism and maturity, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Scoring the most points is a secondary goal. Winning means building partnerships that last. This competition is the largest high school event of its kind developing critical skills in science and technology in a super-charged learning atmosphere. FIRST competitions (all ages) involve over 100,000 teachers, mentors, engineers and volunteers and have over 300,000 kids participating. The FIRST Robotics competition for high school age has over 51,000 students and over 2550 teams across the country competing in regional competitions. Students work with engineer mentors to design, build and test a robot developed as a solution to a competition problem provided by FIRST. Students acquire skills such as problem solving, project management, critical thinking and teamwork: skills necessary to their future and the future of society. The 2013 game is called Ultimate Ascent. A description can be found here: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/2013-game<http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/2012-rebound-rumble> (If you experience problems registering or have additional questions, please contact volunt...@usfirst.org ) You will then receive a follow up from me and a confirmation email from FIRST. You may also contact me directly at techel...@gmail.com Please pass this email along to anyone you think may be interested in volunteering. It is an exciting, fast-moving, rewarding event. One you will remember for a lifetime! -- http://www.linkedin.com/in/elisee Check out my Meetups: http://www.meetup.com/BusinessofEngineering/ http://www.meetup.com/TechieMoms/ http://www.makesf.org/
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