Meeting 1180
March 11, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:07 pm with the silver pen
23 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1178 were accepted as 'an Al Roker concert' & the
minutes of meeting 1179 were accepted as 'with ruthless efficiency and an
almost fanatical devotion to the pope'

the Treasurer reported that last week the regular jar took in $11.32 &
$3.76 in the party jar

The Vice President reported that there is no new new 'Drink Tank' out

The President had nothing fannish to report & we said 'hi' to Lisa,
visiting us for the 1st time

then we did auctions

Mo announced that she is having problems with mice and needs plastic
storage bins

JC announced that Nerdvana episode #10, part 1 of 6 - is up now and that
the others parts will be released every day or so in order

Chris announced that Fanboy Planet podcast #300 was recorded yesterday & is
available on

Brad announced that the SF Giants are touring the area with both World
Series trophies and will be at different venues so you can get photos with
them - check their website for where they will be next

Andy announced that he was spammed & announced that Gallifrey is selling
memberships only online & 1700 sold the first HOUR & there are about 400

Fred announced that Marvel is giving away free downloads of cover art until
Tuesday & announced that the 1st Saturday in May [May 4] is free comic book

Josh announced that he is looking for cost-sharing options for Worldcon

[evil] Kevin reviewed 'Pleasure Unwoven' a very good video about
neurochemical addition - and mentioned it's available on Youtube

Adrienne reviewed 'Warm Bodies' as she enjoyed it - but would've liked an
explanation for the zombie cause & recommends it, worth full price

JC reviewed 'Oz the Great & Powerful' as seen in 3d & well done; several
others commented that they enjoyed it - good, even if it is unlikely to
have the staying power of 'the 1939 film'

Mo reviewed 'House on the Border Lands' by William Hope Hodson as it
weirded her out and is worth full price - and she also took a class in
making Venetian masks - the teacher was very good & will offer another
class in Campbell in May - check

Chris reviewed Cinequest as awesome & Ken pretty much agreed

Fred reviewed FogCon as he enjoyed it - it's a con focused on literature &
ideas; Brad also enjoyed himself, Andy enjoyed it - thought it
simultaneously silly and serious & Diane thought it was a nice little con &
she had fun there

Lisa reviewed '7 Stars Bar & Grill' 398 S.Bascom - as lots of fun &
decorated in a Star Wars theme

we adjourned at 9:32 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Chris Garcia for Pope'

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