Meeting 1176 February 11, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:14 because we wuz making puns for free 22 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1175 were accepted as 'the secretary who couldn't be seen' the Treasurer was not there The Vice President said he has plans to run for Pope & there is no new 'Drink Tank' out and he is begging for money for his '5 cons' doco - look at indiegogo - and that deadlines for both 'Exhibition Hall' & 'Journey Planet' are Feb 15 at 12:45 The President reported that he [and I] will not be at next week's meeting Hugo nominations will be held after the meeting Announcements: remember that Hugo nominations part 3 will be Feb 18 Ric announced that Fanboy Planet #297 is now out & that #298 will be released next Wednesday [tall] Kevin announced that he has tennis tickets to give out - see him & announced that the Retrodome is having demolition parties this Saturday & Sunday Dave C announced that Gallifrey 1 is this weekend John O announced that Girl Scout cookies are now on sale Fred announced that 'Writers with Drinks' will be 7:30 - 9:30pm Sat. Feb 16 at the Makeout Room in SF - google for more info Mo announced that she'll do a panel at Gallifrey and that LonestarCon wants her Steve announced that there'll be a steampunk-themed cruise, August 18-28 - check Chris announced that Janis Ian won a Grammy & John says she'll play at Freight & Salvage March 29 in Berkeley, chek I may have lost it, giggling, at this point Aatheus announced that May 3-5 in Birmingham, Egland there will be a Red Dwarf gathering, check JC announced that Nerdvana episode #8 a & b are now out & that c will be released either Tuesday or Wednesday - and d will be released next Wednesday Reviews: DaveC reviewed 'The Following' as he's seen too much of it already, Mo comments that it's a 'how to' for serial killers but Kevin Bacon shines in it, then Dave reviewed 'Community' as 'it was the cable's fault' & Chris said it was awesome - then Dave reviewed reports about driving across Texas as because of these he may not have a table at LonestarCon Chris reviewed 'Portlandia' as the most awesome thing on TV right now & reviewed 'Zombie Dice' as he didn't win Adrienne reviewed 'Amour' as pretty grim - recommends to avoid it & reviewed 'Argo' as awesome & worth full price, Mo followed, saying it was accurate and awesome; then Adrienne reviewed a bunch of short subjects as 'Death of a Shadow' was good Mo reviewed doing art [it all looked like the back of panels to me] - as shrinking the art tightens it up Jo reviewed sciatica as not worth any price JC predicted that Spiderman #700 will not be the end of Peter Parker We did auctions we adjourned at 9:24 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Chris will be a finalist for Pope but lose to Belgium' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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