Meeting 915 February 11, 2008
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargent at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary Began 8:00 [because I had prime rib] 20 people attended We established a TAFF jar Secretary’s report: we accepted the minutes of meeting 914 as 'Soylent green is Phoebe' no Treasurer - but the proxy treasurer report via Dave C was that at meeting 914 we took in $0.50 in the regular jar & $2.26 in the TAFF jar & there was no VP - but Joe volunteered to do the VP report - not realizing the danger [of taking over the -job-] that he was putting himself into The President introduced us to Brenden - visiting us after having seen the webpage [when asked to talk about himself, his comment was to shake his head and say, "I'm good."] Announcements Dave C announced that Paris Hilton's movie, 'The Hottie and the Naughty' - took in a grand total of $25,000 in its release week [there were follow-on's] Joe announced that there are 2 conventions this weekend, PantheaCon, locally - and Gallifrey down south Andy announced that the last Evil genius party before CostumeCon will be held at Gallifrey, Friday - and Ken follow-on'd that Evil Geniuses will host a Dalek party in their room on Saturday night Lisa announced that her grandson turns 2 today and has thus far survived Mike announced that Amichi's Pizza is celebrating their 20th anniversary tomorrow and for a day they'll be selling at 1988 prices - in downtown Mountain view Trey announced that Roy Scheider died yesterday Reviews: Julie reviewed 'The God Machine' as a book about the history of helicopters & commented upon Roy Scheider's fantasy ties, with a reference to the movie 'Blue Thunder' & also said one of the folks on her Fair Organ Preservation Society mailing list recommends 'Masterpieces of the East' Andy reviewed 'Slice of New York', next to Stevens Creek Surplus, as seriously good NY pizza, worth full price & reviewed 'Torchwood' episode 4 as it continue the dark spiral the series is doing this year - it's weird and dark and worth stealing [there were follow-on's] & reviewed the new CD by John Barrowman as the worst pop power ballads of the 70's & 'Another Side' is not worth stealing [there were follow-ons] Joe reviewed Mexico as utterly brilliant & they ran into a brigade of dolphins [amazing], swam with a pod of whales [they WERE the pod people] & ate dinner with bats - had a lot of fun & was worth full price Ken reviewed The Cliff House as the place has been remodeled & lacked the classic ambiance - not worth going there again, but the food wasn't bad & reviewed 'Across the Universe' as worth Net-flicking, the actors did their own singing & the DVD extras were interesting & he reviewed Jerry's wedding dress preview as fabulous Dave C follow-on'd last week's session by recommending LeGuin's 'On Serious Literature' Trey reviewed Kim Harrison's first 4 books as a neo-gothy, fantasy hard-boiled detective girl series - with a lot of revisionist mythology going on there & he likes the supporting characters - worth used pb Julie announced that the Tolkien estate is suing New Line Cinema since they haven't received their7% from the last movie we then auctions off some: books and a CD for $2.00, books for $3.00, $0.25, $0.25, $0.50, $0.50, $0.50 & $0.25 We adjourned at = 9:20 And the rumor of the week was that = ‘Barbara writes fast' _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list