Meeting 1166
December 3, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm
32 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1165 were accepted as 'the Twinkie of Hastings'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $4.60 in the regular jar &
$3.85 in the party jar

The Vice President reported that Lynda says 'hi' - that the newest 'Journey
Planet' should be up on any minute now - that there are -2-
new 'Drink Tanks out - and a 3rd on the way

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee is looking at Friday, May 10 vs the Braves [for $29!]

The AdHoc Outing Committee is making plans for a probable mid-week outing
to see 'The Hobbit' in about 2 weeks

Dave G announced that their Solstice Porty will be 7-ish on Dec 29 -
Saturday - and announced that Dec 5 is when Prohibition was repealed, so
drink up - responsibly

Dave C announced that there's a con coming up - May 10-12 - Blastercon in
Woodland Hills, CA

Sandra announced that the Bulls are playing hockey and she can obtain/give
out tickets if we're interested

Ken announced that they got the 'magic knife'

[evil] Kevin announced that Westercon is doing a membership push so they
can get a toastmaster - $65 [with $5 off if you use the secret word
'turkey'] - and announced that he's trying to get a holiday 'Yipe' out & is
looking for pictures of holiday-themed sweaters - send to

Tom announced that there's a new SFinSF out on - and check it

JC announced that episode #5 of the Nerdvana podcast should be out by

Dave G reviewed SMOFcon as abbreviated, since he couldn't be there for the
entire weekend, but it was a great convention for the sleep-deprived & he
highly recommends Virgin America airlines

Dave C reviewed 'American Horror Story - Asylum' as an insane show ['trying
to be 'lost' but less coherant' - Andy]

Chris reviewed the Los Gatos Christmas parade as awesome - it had clowns
that terrified the kids & he reviewed using his crockpot as a science
experiment as the result 'smelled of death' & he recommends a short film
called 'Zombeo and Juliecula'

Tom reviewed his Honda Fit EV as 'almost like being in the future' - fun -
and worth double what he paid for it

Ric reviewed 'Saga' by Brian K Vaughn as an amazing comic & highly
recommended & then reviewed 'The Walking Dead' as there'll be no new
episodes out for a while & that Telltale Games has released a zombie game
for PC/360/Steam [Howeird: 'she loves him for his looks, he loves her for
her brains']

Ken reviewed LonestarCon's website as horrible & reviewed 'Santastic!' at
the Retrodome as a great little show

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:22 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'That wasn't a bid'

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