Meeting 1157 October 1, 2012
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8pm with NO zombies riding invisible horses 27 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1156 were accepted as 'for the greater good ... the greater good' the Treasurer was absent The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out with an award-winning Mo Starkey cover - then some other silliness The President reported he wished he could erase the last 5 minutes The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported they were drifting again - with previews - and asked for opinions after the meeting Announcements: Howeird announced that 'Anything Goes', wraps at the Satitoga Civic Theatre, Friday, Saturdays and Sunday thru October 6th and he recommends it & announced that it's 1st Friday in SJ this week & announced that the Art Ark will have a SciFi reception 6-9 pm on Oct 5th & announced that the Calaveras Rep's production of 'Cyrano de Berzerac' is this Thurs, fri, Sat & Sun - and it's a wonderful cast Dave C announced that 'Other Change of Hobbit' is having a Back Rent sale - 20% off - get 10+ for 30% off and for 25+ get 40% off - and he announced that Books Expo is up for sale Josh announced that he's now with a group doing 'Nerdlesque' - a comedy burlesque show Fred announced that the Tech Museum will have a party Thursday night Adrienne announced that there'll be a free electronic waste collection by the Home Depot at Kifer & Fairoaks in Sunnyvale this weekend Eric announced that Michael O'Hare died JC announced that there'll be a town meeting in Milpitas at City Hall about out-sourcing their police department Carole announced that there's a convention this weekend, Conjecture in San Diego & she'll be in their art show [evil] Kevin announced that in 2 weeks the Pacific Int'l Quilt Festival will be at the Santa Clara convention center Ken announced that KFJC began their fundraising last Saturday - call 650-941-6800 - send money Chris announced that Wednesday's Computer History Museum's blog will have a blog piece in it that he did Reviews: Bill reviewed 'The Apocalypse Codex' (A Laundry Files Novel) by Charlie Stross as very good - worth full price & reviewed LA's Carmageddon 2 as avoidable, but added an hour to their trip since they took the coast drive & Carole added that the Acura TLX was very comfortable to make the drive in Chris reviewed 'the Master' as it has no 2nd or 3rd act - but the acting is excellent & is spectacular to watch - and worth [lots] Adrienne reviewed 'Ghosts of Santa Clara County' as it doesn't have much substance - except for the parts where the author took large parts of Adrienne's own blog & copied into the book - plus did the same from a report that Chris did - & she reviewed 'Hotel Transylvania' as cute & worth matinee Ed reviewed 'Edison's Conquest of Mars' as interesting and fun Dave C reviewed 'Moon over Soho' by David Aronovitch - the 2nd in a series - as he liked it & it's worth full pb price - & Michael agreed Bradford reviewed a concert at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga as really recommended & the sound was awesome Mo reviewed 'Misfits' on Hulu as she downloaded the whole series - it's comedy/drama - well-written and raunchy and worth watching - Dave C mentioned it's on DVD & that Cargo Cult carries it [evil] Kevin reviewed making room for the repaired motorcycle in the garage as worth full price to get the place cleaned up Howeird reviewed moving last week as his new place is built in a mirror-reverse way from his old apartment Ken reviewed that the new 'Dr. Who' mid-season finale was grate fun [Adrienne added - 'and romantic'] Josh reviewed the new JK Rowling book - 'A Casual Vacancy' as okay but not great We did auctions we adjourned at 9:40 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Robocop comes to Milpitas' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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