Meeting 1154
September 10, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - with Mo's Hugo
31 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1153 were accepted as 'truncated' & the minutes of
the ChiCon meeting were accepted as 'reread a week from tonight'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $1.75 & $52.00 from the
ChiCon meeting

The VP reported that there will be a new 'Drink Tank' out soon - with a
cover by Hugo winning Mo Starkey - plus a new

'Exhibition Hall' soon

The President said 'hi' to Rebecca Heineman from Seattle & one of the
authors of 'Bards Tale' - we welcomed her and Stellan & he warned that
there will be fanac before the meeting end

The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported that 'Jaws' is showing at the Retrodome
this weekend & there's $1.00 off of concessions if you wear your SJ Sharks
gear & they also mentioned that 'Iron Sky' will show [confirmed] in
Cupertino at

the AMC Cupertino Square Sept 20, 7:30pm [tickets obtained from] -
[plus, secretary adding that there is also an 'Iron Sky' Sept 19, 7:30pm
showing -confirmed- at the Santa Clara AMC Mercado]

JC announced that the 2nd nerdvana podcast is out now - at & also announced that his daughter's

soccer team are now 2-0

John O announced that he has a new job

Dave C announced that the Berkeley Target store is selling candicorn Oreos

Lisa announced that her daughter & son-in-law have bought a new house &
that the son-in-law has a new job

Chris announced the next 'Journey Planet' is due out in November & the
deadline is Nov 1 - the topic being about James Bond and he is soliciting
articles - send them to & he announced that Mo
had won a Hugo
      There was much rejoicing ['yay!'] and champagne was served
and then Chris announced that he will have a piece in 'Worlds of Philip
Jose Farmer #3'

Stellan announced that he has a new job

Harold announced that there is an 'Iron Sky' showing in Sacramento for Sept
12 at the Century Cinemark Stadium 14

[evil] Kevin announced that they will be sponsoring belt buckles for events
at the 20th annual Best Buck in the Bay rodeo this weekend - Saturday &
Sunday - in LaHonda; check

Rebecca announced that she & Mo have formed a company = 'Olde Sckuul'

Bill announced that Carole did well at the ChiCon art show

Worldcon was multiply reviewed as a huge success and a fun time by lots and
lots of people [& it was 'spiders all the
way down']

I reviewed Star Wars the old Republic mmo as a fun online game to play,
with excellent character stories & it's free to

play to level 15 [I'm on the Ebon hawk server]

Harold reviewed prize fights as Oakland now has a champion & it's worth
watching for free

JC reviewed the Retrodome showing of 'Spaceballs' as awesome fun
Tom reviewed Jemison's 'Kingdoms' trilogy as high fantasy romance &
surprisingly inventive with good world-building

Ed reviewed Ben Bova's book 'Triumph' as alternate world sf, nicely done

We did auctions
we adjourned at 10:16 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'the spiders, my friend, are blowing in the

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