Meeting 1153
September 3, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - taking ourselves lightly
12 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1152 were accepted as 'Mo-bettah Hugo'

there was no Treasurer or proxy report

The VP was not here

The President had nothing fannish to report, except that he also mourns the
murder of City of Heroes that is being killed with no warning by evil
corporate lackeys

The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported that 'Spaceballs' is showing at the
Retrodome this weekend & the Saturday showing is the quote-a-long

Aatheus proxy announced that 'Iron sky' will be showing in redwood City
Sept 20 if they sell enough pre-ordered ticked by Sept 11 [they need 60 to
commit] - check

I announced my sadness about the CoH murder and recommended trying Star
Wars the old Republic mmo

Mike announced that the mercado is showing 'Flying Swords of Dragon Gate'
in Imax this week

Ric announced that PechaKucha will be Sept 14 in San Jose at 3pm & he's
doing a Sept 16th web-seminar about powerpoint

JC announced a death & introduced us to his wife, Beth [hi Beth!]

Ken announced that Mo won a Hugo & announced [redacted]

Debbie announced that Westercon 2013 hotel reservations is up and running

I reviewed Star Wars the old Republic mmo as a fun online game to play. The
mmo is free to play to level 15, I'm on the Ebon hawk server & have been
-very- impressed by the storylines

Ric reviewed the Hugo-cast as great - until the 'cast was killed by Ustream
- but he got to see Mo win [and there was more neepery about that]

Debbie reviewed 'the Girl in the Steel Corset' by Kady Cross as a YA
steampunk book that she enjoyed and it had an actual ending

Ed reviewed Worldcon as fun and interesting - after he spent 5 days in the
hospital - but he did NOT like Chicago; he approved of the large Dealer's
Room & the art show was good - and he's still looking for a 'Galaxy' 1980,
volume 40, #1

JC reviewed 'Bullet in the face' as 6 episodes of dark comedy that is
awesome & highly recommended & he absolutely loves it - check IFC & then

Josh reviewed the UCBerkeley home opener as the renovations are awesome &
the Bears lost & reviewed 'The Fisherman's Wife' as highly recommended &
hilarious - it's playing at the Impact Theatre for the next 4 weeks

Ken reviewed 'Moulon Rouge' as fun & fantastic and a pretty good crowd &
reviewed the Dr Who episode seen Saturday as you really need to see the end

We did auctions
we adjourned at 9:13 pm

and the rumor of the week was: 'this rumor redacted redacted redacted'

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