Surely, you're kidding!
I'm deadly serious and don't call me Shirley - Airplane! (1980) is finally at 
The Retro Dome!

If you have given me your confirmation already, you are on the list and will 
get a ticket in our block:
Ken & Jerry=2
Chuck Serface = 1
Mo Starkey = 1
Joshua Schisser = 1 or 2
Harold Tisdale = 1
Merv & Judith = 2

If you're not on the list, just reconfirm your wish to join us Saturday Night 
and I'll put you on the list and make sure you get a ticket in our block. 
Tickets are $15 apiece payable to me at the event.

This is a "quote-along" that comes with a fun-pack of props to deploy during 
the event. Plus, costumes are always encouraged so, think of the many wacky 
characters from Airplane! we'll and see you there!
The Retro Dome
1694 Saratoga Avenue
San Jose, CA 95129
Basfa mailing list

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