Hi Folks,
Chicon has announced the details of their set of tickets for the Friday, August
31 Giants versus Cubs game. Tickets are $32 each, and are in Aisles 208 and
209, rows 12 through 15. These are what they call the "Terrace Box" section
they are along the left field foul line overlooking the outfield. See
http://chicago.cubs.mlb.com/chc/ticketing/seating.jsp and click on the pink
seats at the end of the row of red seats.
The game starts at 1:20 PM CDT.
I'd like to try to get a block so that we are all in the same location, but I
need an idea of how many folks will be going. Please let me know as soon as
Details from the Chicon website are at http://www.chicon.org/cubsgame.php.
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