Meeting 1137 May 14, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:09 pm - if you trust clocks We established a party jar 24 people attended The minutes of meeting 1136 were accepted as 'hoarse de combat' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $5.80 in the regular jar & $26.55 in the party jar & observed that the VP may be over-extending himself - whereas in rebuttal, Chris stated he liked Dave's shirt The VP reported that there will be a new 'Claims Department' out soon & a new 'Drink Tank' out soon too - "yeah ... sure" The President made a pun but had nothing fannish to report The Party Committee will host a soiree at Clockwork Alchemy on Friday night & there will be a BASFA party at Baycon on Saturday The Sports Committee reported that the SJ Giants have their VIP box for parties of 12+ & that for $40 each one gets the box and wonderful BBQ - and he's still researching attending the Giants/Cubs game at Wrigley Field during Chicon 7. Announcements: Adrienne announced that she has 2 Giants tickets to give away [and they're GONE!] - plus is looking for someone to go with her to the Giants game this Sunday - please contact her JC announced that a friend is having a baby real soon now and would like good thoughts sent to Gwen [tall] Kevin announced that he has a box of food & ingrediants to give away that will not be making the move with him Ric announced that there's a new Fanboy Planet podcast out '90 Minutes until the end of Civilization', issue #265, check Ed announced that he wants to help spur a movement to get Keith Laumer a special lifetime acheivement award from Worldcon Dave C announced that this is KFJC's Month of Mayhem and to check their schedule Reviews: I reviewed the 'Avengers' as I enjoyed it a hella amount and thing it's worth seeing at least twice at full price & both cookies were fun; there were several recommendations for seeing the movie in 3D; everyone agreed with my assessment of the Hulk; Adrienne thought it was tons of fun & really admired Captain America - recommends it at full price; there were more neeps; Bradford said it has earned a billion in 9 days, more neeps - there was no flying car; Ed if of the opinion that it's the 'best of the batch' & he plans to see it again in 3D Adrienne reviewed 'Dark Shadows' as very amusing and she enjoyed it, but not as much as she enjoyed the 'Avengers', she liked the interpretation & thought it worth discounted Costco tickets; Dave C stated that the audience for his showing was very respectful but the film was 'meh' and worth matinee, Eric said it followed the story...ish, but he was less impressed & found it uneven, worth matinee; Ric saw it at a press screening and thought it worth that or cable & was disappointed; while Ken & Geri saw it and enjoyed it Chris reviewed 'Cuttlefish' by David Freer as a YA steampunk adventure with some serious problems, thought a library DVD from 2008 'Company' as it validated the existance of libraries & reviewed the DVD commentary of 'Buckaroo Banzai' as brilliant, it made him roll around in mirth & was worth full price Ric reviewed dinner at Mountain Windery as $69 is a bit pricey for the dinner, but the view is incredible Ed reviewed 'A Beautiful Friendship' by Weber as it made him laugh and cry and like tree cats even more now than before - worth full hardback price Ken reviewed 'Thanks for Playing the Game Show Show' as great fun and they plan to go again [runs thru the 1st weekend in June]; Mo follwed saying that it is a Kickstarter success and she had a great time JC reviewed 'Chimpanzee' as darned fun and worth matinee - and bring tissues Mo pointed out that we had a 1st-time visitor - Bert Taylor - a longtime fan we did auctions we adjourned at 9:40 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Next week's Coco special is shawarma week' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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