Meeting 1136 May 7, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8-ish pm with a discussion of numbers The ruling of the Chair was appealed in regards to the pun tax & the Chair was sustained We established a party jar 24 people attended The minutes of meeting 1135 were accepted as 'she who controls the minutes, controls the universe' there was no Treasurer or faux report The VP reported that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' out this week - but he has a few 'rare print copies of the Handicapping the Hugos issue' to distrubute; there will be a new 'Journey Planet' out soon & he would like reviews of the Hugo nominated novels to include in a 'Drink Tank' to that subject - so please write them and send them to him The President had nothing fannish to report The Party Committee will host a soiree at Clockwork Alchemy on Friday night & there will be a BASFA party at Baycon on Saturday Announcements: Eric announced that the Stanford Savoy Knights will be presenting Rudigore at the Dinklespiel Auditorium at Stanford this weekend - and may have cameos in it - & Ken stretched the metaphor to announce that the 'Dark Shadows' movie opens this weekend JC announced that Josh's birthday is Wednesday & also announced that the March of Dimes team Tshirt he designed took 1st place this year Dave C announced that Dame Edna's plans are TBA, also announced that the DUFF nominations are open for the next 4 days - contact either dave<at>difference<dot>com or martyhoohah<at>sbc<dot>global<dot>net & also announced that the new 'Prometheus' movie has to be a tie-in with Dr. Who Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters now has more than 700 members & needs 5 more members to beat out the other large paranormal group from New York City (aside: 'New York City?!' Beat NY!) Fred announced that May 13 is How Weird & that May 19-20 is the Maker's Faire Josh announced that he is looking for feedback on a play Chris announced that this Saturday at 10am he will be descending on the Chef's Table for breakfast at San Pedro Square market Reviews: [evil] Kevin reviewed the pre-show for 'Thank for Playing the Game Show Show' as it was great fun and he highly recommends it - worth more than full price; Ken commented that yes, much hilarity ensues there and also recommends it - then [evil] Kevin reviewed 2 mini-courses at the Tech Shop as 'Oh boy, my artwork is in trouble' as he will be improving it - worth full price and highly recommended Josh reviewed replacing his phone as it's big, beautiful & gorgeous & worth full price & also reviewed a play, 'Crevice' as he had a great time there - worth full price JC reviewed 'The Avengers' as every geektastic moment was included, lots of fun, it has 2 cookies at the end end; Dave C stated 'yes, you must see this movie' & it's the most satisfying superhero movie ever; lots of other comments, all favorable Mo reviewed 'Moneyball' as she enjoyed it, it's well-crafted and worth seeing Fred reviewed 'Marley' as a documentary showing at the Camera 3 & incredibly good & reviewed a book, 'Ready Player One' about pop culture in the 1980's by Ernest Cline as good Yochanan reviewed the 'Giant Novels' by James Hogan as very good & that a friend of his is looking for ushers at the Sunnyvale Community centre Mo reviewed 1st Friday in Sj as it happened again and was wonderful Ed reviewed the Botanical gardens in Golden Gate Park as incredibly fantastic Lisa reviewed the Asian Art museum's story teller's recitation - live - usually with music as a wonderful thing we did auctions we adjourned at 9:46 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'There are more unscientific Americans than Scientific Americans' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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