Meeting 1134 April 30, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:03 p.m., after VP scurried to make a food order President and Secretary absent Vice President presiding Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker 27 people attended We established a party jar. The minutes for meeting 1133 were accepted as "making a mountain out of mohelhill." VP passed around a rare printed copy of the Drink Tank, where he's handicapping the 2012 Hugo nominations. Treasurer reports we collected $14.75 in last week's regular jar giving the treasury a total of $12,186.55 and the party fund has $309.73. Party committee plans to have a party at Clockwork Alchemy over Memorial Day weekend, but it is not an officially called a party. Sports committee reminded everyone of our outing at the Giants game on May 4. They are still researching one at Wrigley Park during Chicon 7, where the Giants are playing the Cubs. Announcements: Ed says there's a robot project that other people can participate in. See him for more details. Kevin S. has loads of little shampoos to give out. Dave C. said Dame Edna Everage is doing another farewell tour in the U.S., but no appearances in the Bay Area. If anyone hears otherwise, please let him know. I announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters will be doing an investigation of Casa Grande in San Jose on May 19 and it costs $45 to participate. For more information, please go to: Kevin R. said the locally created and produced new live production Thanks for Playing…the Game Show Show starts May 19 at the Retrodome. Howeird says a new Broadway show, Silence the Musical, is currently under production. It's a musical version of Silence of the Lambs. Sarah announced a new show that is being produced, but I missed all of the details because I was catching up on all of the previous announcements. Dave G. announced that DUFF nominations are now open. For more details, please go to: Lisa said Mythcon 43, which is being held in Berkeley, membership rates raise May 2. For more details, please go to: Ken reminded everyone that CreaturesCon 1, the Creatures Features convention, is being held at the Bal Theater in San Leandro on May 5. For more info, go here: Jerry announced that she had free tix for the San Jose Giants for anyone who is interested. Reviews: I reviewed The Raven. It was fictional speculation on the mysterious death of Edgar Allen Poe. Poe's love interest was invented, but the story was enjoyable enough. I liked the acting, costumes, and production values. Definitely worth the time and money spent on it. Chris liked John Cusak and one of the other actors and the costumes, but I had to agree with him when he said there were not enough red herrings. Kris likes the new Amazon Touch and loves Amazon's lending library. She also likes the Titanic exhibition currently showing at the Luxor in Las Vegas. She considered the experience immersive and had to pay for her assessment. For more details, go to: Kevin thanked the BASFAns who helped him move a couple of weekends ago, then reviewed his Budget truck rental as unreliable. He is currently residing in a small apartment in San Jose while in the Bay Area. Dave C. read Midnight Riot, by Ben Aaronovitch. It's the first in a series where a London detective ends up in the Wizard's Unit of the Metropolitan Police. It's very British and worth full price. He'll look for further books in the series. Howeird saw Black Snake Moon with Samuel J. Jackson. Howeird said it's Jackson's worst performance ever, but it's worth at least $1. He also read Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, by Seth Graeme-Smith, and said the dates were all correct, but it took five chapters to get to the blood and gore. Chris followed on that he enjoyed it. Dave C. queried how else can we explain that brother went against brother in the Civil War besides vampires? Lisa said that the Disney Store relocated in Valley Fair and was disappointed that the grownups' section of the store was downsized. There's a lot of stuff for kids, though. Ken and Jerry went to see the opera Faust. Faust was redeemed in this version. They then went to the Little Chef counter and found they had run out of items they originally wanted to order. They also went to see the rehearsals for Thanks for Playing…the Game Show Show. It will run for several weeks. Jerry saw some Shakespeare on TV with David Tennant and Catherine Tate and said it was hilarious. Fundraising for Thanks for Playing…the Game Show Show was done through Kickstarter and its ins and outs were discussed by everyone for a while. Bill and Carole joined California Steam Federation for a tour of the Winchester House in period costume and had curry cookies. Ed said the movie Kaena is delightful. Well worth the $1 he paid for the DVD. He also read Fair Coin, by E.C. Myers. It's a good book. Not great, but a good first novel. Worth reading. Chris saw Euro Dreams of Sushi. He said if you want to see any doccos about sushi, this is the one. Beautifully made. We did auctions. Rumor of the Week: It still has that new diode smell. We adjourned approximately 9:39 p.m.
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