Jekyll & Hyde - The Musical  runs wednesdays through Sundays through May 13. for details and a follow-on you can see photos online at password is 2007.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [basfa] BASFA minutes for April 30
From: melchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, May 01, 2007 3:55 pm

Meeting 874

April 30, 2007

Trey Haddad, President

Chris Garcia, Vice-President

Dave Gallaher, Treasurer

Galen Tripp, Sargent at Arms

Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

Began 8:00, brought to you by . . . otters

22 people attended
We established a party jar
Secretary’s report : the minutes of meeting 873 were accepted as ’Mmmmmm delicious otters’

Treasurer's report: last week we took in $84.50 in the regular jar & $21.52 in the party jar

VP reported that the art book is here and that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' or 'SFinSF' out this week - but there is a new issue of 'Pixel' out

The President had nothing fannish to report [and this time there were follow-ons]

The Party Committee reported there are conventions coming up and he needs volunteer bodies to help him run these parties - especially if he does 2 nights

The AhwaneeCon committee reported they had a thingie in the Westercon PR & there will be snarky puzzles and word searches in their own next PR

Then we did early auctions = birthday auctioned off Michael Siladi for $13.00 to himself; then auctioned off Harold's Costco card for $3.00 to Harold; then auctioned books for $3.50, $1.00, $1.50, $0.25, $3.50, $2.50, $4.00, $0.77, & 1990 Star Wars calender for $4.00


Michael Siladi announced that rates for Baycon go up on May 1 to $75 & their room block is going fast - & Westercon's PR #2 is about to go out

Fred announced that the Maker's Faire will be May 19-20, is family friendly & should be fun, check

Chris announced that the 15th year anniversary of the Psychotronic Film Festival will be this Saturday at 7pm at Foothill

Howeird announced that 'Jekyll and Hyde the Musical' will be running through May 19 at the Lucy Sterne theatre with the Palo Alto players

[evil] Kevin announced that the Costume Con 26 room block is now open at the Doubletree - but that getting a suite takes some extra effort & announced that the Unconventional Foundation has money & that Andy Trembley is now a board member this Thursday - and they have banners that you can put on your site

Cheryl announced that Variety Children's Charity is looking for a part-time admin person & John Scalzi apologizing for making the MacArthur Maze all melty


Andy reviewed last week's Dr Who as a rollicking good time - still worth stealing & reviewed St George Spirits as the chipotle chile vodka as 'holy mother of god'

Cheryl reviewed the Ellen Klages reading as funny, enjoyable and entertaining

I reviewed 'Hot Fuzz' as very funny and worth seeing twice, while Trey stated that Nick Angel is his hero

Chris reviewed 'Blades of Glory' as the funniest movie he'd seen that week, worth seeing if only for the decapitations & the new AMC Cupertino Square has that new fragrance smell but the people working there are as dumb as a box of rocks

Fred reviewed 'The White House Murder Case' at the SJ playhouse as a riot - go see it 0 and he reviewed a CD of country music called 'Folk Uke' as worth full price

Dave G reviewed the John Scalzi reading as very entertaining & Tim Pratt has begun his conquest of literature [there were follow-ons] and then he reviewed 'Torpedo Juice' by Tim Dorsey as having a lovable loony serial killer as the main character - worth paperback price for airline reading & reviewed 'Next' as it wasn't bad, worth matinee

Ed reviewed the newest Scalzi book as he enjoyed it a great deal, thinks it worth full price & reviewed 'Yellow Eyes' by Ringo as he enjoyed the heck our of it and it's worth full price

We adjourned at = 9:40

And the rumor of the week was that = ‘otter pops is otters'

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