Meeting 1134 April 23, 2012
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:05 pm with the Giants winning both games in the double-header 28 people attended The minutes of meeting 1133 were accepted as 'Barbara took a tablet' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $6.50 in the regular jar & 2.25 in the party jar The VP reported that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' out - but one should soon be posted on & it has Mo artwork - and that Mo will now be called 'Meaux' - and next weel he will be ahndicapping the Hugos The President had nothing fannish to report The Sports Committee is investigating a Giants outing on Friday August 31 - vs the Cubs at Wrigley Field [during ChiCon!] as - Chicago has an entertainment tax [comment: 'The Cubs count as entertainment?] - and that the ticket total price would be $41.02 after tax/service fee - however if he buys 20 or more there is a discount. Then we did auctions Announcements: Ken announced that this Friday is the Legion of Rassilon meeting at 1st/Trimble in the Carl's Jr & he also announced that Jonathan Frid has died [possibly due to seeing the 'Dark Shadows' remake] [evil] Kevin announced that Thinbot took the gold at the Robogames drink making contest Adrienne announced that her father died & if you know of anyone interested in buying a book binding business - or supplies for one - please contact her Chris announced that he'll be a GoH at Conquest next year & announced that he is looking for articles about comics for the next issue of 'Journey Planet' Bill announced that this spring & summer CalTrans is doing massive roadwork [around Buttonwillow] on the 5 freeway and recommends using the 101 for drive travel Carole announced that Costumecon is in Tempe, AZ & she'll be on panels there & announced that Clockwork Alchemy is over the memorial Day weekend [check] Dave C announced that there is a new 'Cargo Cult' catalogue out & announced that Baycon is also held over the Memorial Day weekend Mo announced that Fanime is also over the Memorial Day weekend and that she & Dann are in charge of the Art Show there Valeria announced that 'Gaslight Gathering' will be in San Diego over the May 12 weekend Reviews: Andy reviewed Robogames as 'besides the win' it was lots of fun - with robot fights and experiments, especially if you are a contestant and can see 'behind the scenes' stuff; [evil] Kevin commented that you can do artistic entries and enter without having to build working robots to be a contestant & Aatheus asked when the area will be allowed to defend itself from violent robots Mo reviewed getting to hear Jack Black sing 'Beautiful dreamer' as she can die happy now JC reviewed 'American Reunion' as hysterically funny - and recommends seeing it & reviewed the new jellies exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium as wonderful & also recommended Kalifer reviewed Hal Clement's book 'Half Life' as hard sf with an omniscient POV & written as though by a high school science teacher Dave C reviewed 'Carter Beats the Devil' by Glen David Gold as a fun historical novel, an interesting read & reviewed 'Cabin in the Woods' as violent, bloody, messy & fun; Bradford followed, saying that it was enjoyable but that if you are a Josh Whedon fan you will have seen much of this before Adrienne reviewed the 4th season of the UK 'Being Human' as 'wow' - and it's a transition with a surprising finale & recommended we adjourned at 9:28 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'There are no mohels on Mars' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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