*Meeting 873*
*April 23, 2007*
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargent at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
*Began 8:00, commenting that Aussies are just so darned nice*
*21 people attended*
We established a party jar
*Secretary's report*: the minutes of meeting 872 were accepted as
'pixel-stained technopeasants'
*Treasurer's report: at the April 2nd meeting we took in $11.75 in the
regular jar & $3.25 in the party jar; at the April 9th meeting we took
in $3.25 in the regular jar & $6.50 in the party jar & at the April 16th
meeting we took in $6.00 in the regular jar & $6.25 in the party jar*
*VP reported there is a new 'Drink Tank' out in which he blathers and
his next issue will be the Kurt Vonnegut issue & a new SFinSF will be
out Wednesday*
The President had nothing fannish to report and we said 'hi' to Joe,
visiting us from another space entirely and he mentioned he has 2
tickets to the Giants vs the Mets game on April 8th*
Cheryl announced that there were readings - John Scalzi at Borderlands
on Thursday at 7pm and at Dark carnival on Friday at 5:30pm; plus Ellen
Klages at Borderlands on Saturday at 3pm
Then Art asked if there were still shops that repaired TVs and if they
picked up, as his 32" TV is feeling quite ill
Dave C announced that there is a new 'Cargo Cult' catalog out
Ken announced 'less than 24 hours to go' - before KTEH shows the next Dr
Who episode & the next meeting of the Legion of Rasselon will be at the
usual place this Friday at 7:30
Chris announced that Howeird's play, 'Jekyll and Hyde' starts Friday and
runs through May 13th
[evil] Kevin announced that the rates for Costume Con 26 go up on May
1st and that their room block opens up at the Doubletree this Thursday -
and they have banners that you can put on your site
Dave G announced that there will be 3 days of Bond films showing at the
Castro over the Memorial Day weekend
[tall] Kevin reviewed Chicago and Aurora as unexpected, with good rail
suirvice, there was snow, they saw a Cubs game and it was cold, they
went to the Field Museum and saw some of it; then Cheryl follow-on'd
that she went to a few readings and a Hugo Frog bar [with excellent
fish] and saw the art institute and all in all was impressed by Chicago,
except for the weather
Chris reviewed 'Hot Fuzz' as the 2nd funniest film he's seen this year -
absolutely hilarious and rad and worth full price; then reviewed an
opulent house wherein he saw 'Shaun of the Dead' and it was
exceptionally awesome - given the surroundings; then Ken follow-on'd
that 'Hot Fuzz' as a cop/buddy-movie send-up
Cheryl reviewed Monterey as they ate lots and otters are way too cute -
and it was worth full price just for 1 otter
Harold reviewed 'Grindhouse' as a good job of recreating the ambiance -
but there should have been an intermission and the trailers were
wonderful - well written but too damned long; then he tiraded about the
heresy of remaking a classic like 'Halloween' [then there were
follow-on's that waxed philosophical]
Andy reviewed last week's Dr Who as a qualified fantastic - a hell of a
lot of fun - and still worth stealing
Dave G reviewed the coast as he traversed it several times - he thought
Norwescon was a nice little con ['little?' commented Spring] and worth
full price, then reviewed the Bob Hope Marriott and the Creation grand
Slam as somewhat reduced and he found the ads scattered around the hotel
to be a bit disconcerting & said his last 2 weeks were 'busy'
Stellan reviewed a PC game, 'Command and Conquer 3' as very science
fictional and that it has live-action cut-scenes [using recognizable
actors], that there is a coherent plot that nicely hangs together and is
beautiful - and worth full price - and is on sale at Target right now
[evil] Kevin reviewed 'Kinky Boots' as marvellous
We birthday auctioned off Cheryl for $27.00 to Kevin & birthday
auctioned off Dave G for $22.00 to Spring; then auctioned off an audio
book for $0.50; other books for $0.25, $0.25, $8.00, $1.00, $2.00 & a
DVD for $3.00
*We adjourned at =* 9:51
*And the rumor of the week was* that = 'Today the Round Table on
Moorpark, tomorrow the world'
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