Quoting a forward, not long ago on a mailing list very close by, sent by "Standlee, Kevin" (standlee.ke...@menloworldwide.com):
> I thought BASFA might be interested to know that the Stanford > Savoyards, a musical theater company at Stanford University, are > performing Gilbert & Sullivan's classic THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE this > weekend and next in the style of FIREFLY. You heard that right. > Companions and Alliance onstange backed by a full orchestra. Oh my. This seems an appropriate occasion to wish Frederic, the Slave of Duty, a happy and prosperous 33rd birthday. -- Cheers, "Debian ist ein Textadventure." Rick ('pirate head and a pirate heart') Moen -- Klaus Knopper r...@linuxmafia.com McQ! (4x80) _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list Basfa@lists.basfa.org http://lists.basfa.org/listinfo.cgi/basfa-basfa.org