Meeting 1121 January 23, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:00 p.m., before I had a chance to bring up the minutes President and Secretary mysteriously absent again Vice President presiding Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker 25 people attended We established a party jar. The minutes of meeting 1120 were read by the VP, who downloaded the minutes before me, and the following corrections were made: Kevin S. said he will not be ready for nominations until next week Dave C. said he was not disappointed with Furcon, but his expectations were not exceeded. The minutes for 1120 were then accepted as chameleon. Treasurer reported at meeting 1119 we collected $23.75 in the regular jar and $30.53 in the party jar. The President's wasn't there to say for himself he had nothing fannish to report again. The VP ordered banana cream pie and says there is no new Drink Tank out this week, but the next one will have a cover by MO. Next Wednesday is the deadline for the Bladerunner issue of Journey Planet. The Sports Committee said the tix for Brian Wilson gnome day are over $40, so he asked about other dates for a Giants game outing. We settled on Friday, May 4, which is texting gloves night. It's the Giants vs. the Brewers and game starts at 7:15 p.m. Next Monday will be the first of three meetings where BASFA will begin collecting its official recommendations for the 2012 Hugo Awards, which will take place after the meeting. There will be no auctions for the next three weeks, so please save your items until February 20. Announcements: Dave C. told us about two websites: , where they sell fezes. has the details on Disneyland's Dapper Day on February 5. I followed on the Disneyland has announced it will be open 24 hours on Leap Day, February 29, this year. Ed announced that a new steampunk convention, Clockwork Alchemy, will be held over Memorial Day weekend at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose. It is being produced in partnership with Fanimecon and buying a membership will provide admission for both conventions, which are being held the same weekend. For more details, go to: BayCon 2012 is also the same weekend, but requires another membership fee. I announced that I recently became one of Epinions's top 1000 writers. I reminded everyone that Bay Area Ghost Hunters has arranged to do a special ghost tour of the Rosicrucian Museum on February 11. There is a fee of $13 for this one. Please go to for more details. I also learned that some of the talk show hosts who were terminated by KGO have moved to 910 AM. Len Tillem can now be heard from 3–4 p.m. on weekdays. Gene Burns has a show from 4–7 p.m. weekdays and his Dining Around show continues sometime during the weekends. However, some of his other distinguished colleagues from KGO have been filling in for him while he is being treated for some health problems. Ed Baxter said they have been auditioning. MO has a new phone number. Same edress, but she has also let go of her PO box too. See her for updates. She also said the film options for Elfquest came to naught, since the producers gave up on the project. Wendy Pini is still pushing to make Masque of the Red Death a stage musical. Dave G. said the Sharks game is tied. Chris said Dave Langford recently had eye surgery, so until he recovers, he'll have vision problems in addition to his hearing challenges. Ken said this is the final reminder that Legion of Rassilon will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this Saturday, January 28. Go to for more details. Josh has also filed a court case that will probably take 12–24 months to be heard. Because of being treated poorly, his disability has become permanent so he may not be able to work as a chef again. Reviews: MO said Robert Downey was amazing in Zodiac. The movie had some great performances and was very well done. Chris followed on it was David Finch's best movie and the research was exhaustive. Krys said that Alcatraz was acceptable and the lead character is adorable. The show was enjoyable, but it didn't excel. She also said that the revamped Star Tours ride at Disneyland is awesome. It has plenty of new details to look out for. Dave C. read The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack, by Mark Hodder. It is a steampunk novel that goes into a lot more detail than usual. It was great fun and won the Philip K. Dick Award. Eric saw Pirates of Penzance at the Savoyards. It was reimagined with Firefly characters and settings. It was obviously an amateur production, but he had a great time. There are still a couple of more performances this weekend. Go to for more details. However, afterward it was a major struggle trying to navigate his way out of the Stanford campus on a rainy night. Yvette followed on that the theatre company should move its post-show reception back to its rehearsal hall. Fred saw a play based on the novel Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow, and highly recommends it. I followed on that the impact of this book depends a lot on its timeliness and that time has already passed. Fred said the producers have done some rewriting to update it. Ed read True Names, by Vernor Vinge, and says if you haven't done so already, you should rush out and do it immediately. He highly recommends this novel. Dave G. said something about the Sharks tying. I reviewed the last BAGH meetup at the Peralta Hacienda in Oakland as a pleasant excursion. The tour focused more on the house's history than its ghosts, but our resident psychic medium, Irma Slage, told us her impressions at dinner afterward. Phyllis Galde, the publisher of Fate magazine, was also a special guest. Dave announced that Carrie is returning as a musical. We did auctions. Rumor of the Week: Thanks to the information obtained through enhanced interrogation, we will find Jack the Ripper. We adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
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