Thanks to being properly pinged over the head, it has been made clear to Bob and me that it's time we left the SF Bay Area. We're facing eviction and have a much better opportunity to start over again by moving to Bakersfield instead of staying here. We hate to go, but that's how it is.
What we're looking for: 1) Moving boxes. We have a studio apartment which admittedly has Too Much Stuff(tm) in it, but some of it needs to come with us. These are needed ASAP, as we're not going to try to sort this stuff all at once. 2) Help with packing the truck we're renting. That will be the last weekend of this month, around the 27th-28th barring legal encouragement to do elsewise. We will be able to provide pizza or similar comestibles to anyone who shows up. We are located in San Carlos, which is halfway between SF and SJ on the Peninsula. And if you can't help with either but would like to help defray our moving costs, please contact me separately. We are all aware moving can be expensive and any help will be accepted. We will miss this place and the people terribly, but reality is what it is. We may come back for a Bay Area convention or two over the course of the year depending on fortune's favor. If anyone wants to teasingly discuss a Bakersfield Westercon, trust me, we've cased the place more than once over the years, and it'd be workable. Gods help us both. Peace, Brenda Daverin 415-730-6881 if you wish to call me to discuss any of the above PS - We're talking to Legal Aid about the paperwork, so the legal beagle side of life is under some degree of direction/control. We also know CA evictions can take up to six months. We *need* out sooner. _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list