Meeting 1120
January 16, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8:00 pm - with a Fus-Ro-Dah

29 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1119 were accepted as 'I want to see Chris hop on
that wagon'

The Treasurer was not present

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out - focused on
'Scanners' & there's a deadline approaching for the next one

The President had nothing fannish to report

Hugo nomination nights will be Jan30, Feb 6 & Feb 13

The Sports Committee notes the Australian Open is starting

The Party Committee reported that there was a fun party at FurCon & the bar
goes better with Cheese


Ken announced that the 10 year anniversary party for the Legion of Rassilon
will be Jan 28, Saturday at the Carrows from 2-6 pm

Bill announced that he & Carole will be at Conflict in Seattle in 2 weeks

Carole announced that Clockwork Anime will host a steampunk con over the
Memorial day weekend at the Doubletree

Bradford announced that the Computer History museum is impressive


I reviewed 'Tinker Tailor' as a very good adaptation of the book & worth
full price; Trey followed that the movie started at a sedate pace & got
slower from there & Gary Oldman was exceptional

Chris reviewed 'Nth Zine' as excellent, with reviews and fiction - then
reviewed a wiki 'list of sandwiches' as the best wiki page ever

Josh reviewed the Fancy Food show in ALL of Moscone Center as delightful -
all the free samples you can nom - 'A Mecca of food', well worth full price

Ric reviewed  'Repo the genetic Opera' as it has an amazing soundtrack &
reviewed  'Cat Shit 1' as an amazing anime and worth the $20 for DVD
because of all the extras

Mo reviewed her cold as she hates it & reviewed the collection of 'Kolchak'
TV shows and the original 2 movies as they still hold up well, worth full

Fred reviewed a podcast retrospective of Robert Anton Wilson as worthwhile
and available thru Boing Boing

Adrienne reviewed  'Game of Shadows' as an interesting interpretation but
she needed to sleep more before going to the late showing

Dann reviewed 'Warhorse' as incredible, beautifully filmed and worth full

Bob reviewed the Terry Pratchett podcast - 3 parts & on Youtube - as
interesting, reviewed spending New Years Eve

at an LA mall and the Orange County sf assoc had a nice NY eve party & he
reviewed  seeing the Rose Parade as it was wonderful, but definitely buy
the seating and parking

Lisa reviewed FurCon as great fun with decent parties; Dave commented that
the Dealer's Room could not match his dreams of avarice, Mo thought there
was a lot of diversity in furs this year & that next year's FC theme will
be 'Furbidden Planet'

Then we did auctions

we adjourned at 10:03 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Bay Area fans will have to be careful
saying 'Go Giants' this week

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