Meeting 1118

January 2, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - with a visit from Trey's mom

31 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1117 were accepted as 'I feel Dave's pain'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1116 we took in $12.95 in the
regular jar & $14.95 in the party jar; while at meeting 1117 we took in
$9.00 in the regular jar & $30.67 in the party jar

There was no VP report, but there was a rumor that future 'Drink tanks'
will exist

The President introduced his mom, Lois [“Hi Lois!”] and had nothing fannish
to report

The Sports Committee reported that he is investigating a Giants outing to
Emperor Norton Field in the Mid-May time-frame & was looking for club

Lisa announced that Jan 3rd is JRRTolkien's birthday and urged us to do a
toast at 9pm [our local time], in his honor:  'The Professor'

Josh announced that he is taking a food challenge [with baker's chocolate]
after the meeting tonight

Adrienne announced TV rumors & announced that she won her office's overall
football pool [impressive!] - & announced that she will be baking next week
[MOST impressive!]

Mo announced that she is taking artwork commissions if anyone has some for

Andy announced that today is 'frabjous day' [1-2 12]

Dave C announced that SJ has made plastic bags illegal to hand out in all
endeavors [which extend to sf conventions] - and that disposable paper bags
now must have a fee charged for them

Bill reviewed 'Adventures of Tintin' as a fun film, worth matinee - Carole
followed that the level of detail in 'Tintin' was incredible & then Bill
reviewed Stephenson's book 'Reamde' as readable

Jo reviewed CJ Cherryh's book 'Conspirator' as engaging & better than many
of her present books &  reviewed seeing 'Goblet of Fire' as fun

Dave C reviewed looking for something for Ed as unsuccessful

Ken reviewed the newest episode of 'Sherlock' as 'wow, he really enjoyed
it' & Andy followed that it was fabulous and definitely worth stealing

I reviewed a John Shirley book, 'Rapture' as a fast, fun read by an author
who evidently liked both 'Bioshock' games

Andy reviewed spending too much time at the SJ tech shop & rated the
membership cost as more than worth full price; [evil] Kevin followed that
he agrees

JC reviewed the new trailers for 'Dark Knight' and 'MIB' as both worth more
than full price

Mo reviewed the new version of 'Treasure Island' as she loves the casting,
it was luscious to look at - it's been modernized with new plot twists &
was a lot of fun to watch

We then did auctions

we adjourned at 9:17 pm

Rumor of the Week: 'Ordinarily snowflakes don't catch on fire'

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