Meeting 1111

November 14, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8:00 - with me not playing Skyrim

25 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1110 were accepted as 'all for ones and ones for

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1110 we took in $17.25 in the
regular jar & $6.50 in the party jar

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' with a Mo Starkey cover &
a new 'Journey Planet' will be out soon, its deadline is Dec 5 [themed on
Sherlock Holmes]

The President had nothing fannish to report

Ken announced that the Retrodome will show 'Time Bandits' and 'Baron
Münchhausen' on Friday, Saturday & Sunday

John announced that British fan, Chris Coughlin [Keris] died

Chris announced that there's a new 'Argentis' on with an
article by him in it & that this Friday will see the opening of 'Breaking
Dawn, part 1' & announced that Claire Briarly won the Nova this year

Bradford announced that the Science Fiction Museum will do a new exhibit,
'Icons in Science Fiction' that he may be helping with

Lisa announced that her niece had twin girls and was part of a 'Good
Morning America' segment on babies born on Nov 11 = 'Baby oh Baby'

I reviewed 'Elder Scrolls V = Skyrim' as a truly lovely game and that
everything = except the elves - is gorgeous

Ken mentions a rumor of a 'Dr Who and the Deathly Hallows-ish'-themed movie
& reviewed 'Tardus Eruditorum' - a psycho-chonological timeline of the Dr
Who series - as pretty darned good - check www.tarduseruditorum.blogspot,com

[recently evil] Harold reviewed “Tower Heist” as a comedy caper flick with
some laughs, a good film and worth matinee - & reviewed  'Melancholia' as a
surprisingly good, depressing film, worth the $7.00 he paid for it

John reviewed the 1st show for 'Primeval' this season as wooden, poorly
done  & disappointing  & reviewed the Mighty Giants concert as it rocked &
he met lots of people he knows there; Josh followed, saying it was a good
show with a high percentage of 'woot' shirts in evidence

Valerie reviewed the summary of her forthcoming book 'Buffy and the
Heroine's Journey' as great & the book is due out May or June ... ish

Chuck reviewed a French film, 'Love Crime' as enjoyable and recommended

Chris reviewed the 'Bal des Vampires' as having vampires and stuff - with
elk all over the place - and awesome fun & reviewed 'Reamde' by Neal
Stephenson as really entertaining and worth reading & reviewed 'Childrens
Hospital' on Adult Swim as 'genius stuff' - worth TV being created

Howeird reviewed a free book on Facebook - 'Endeavor in Time' by Chris
Hambleton as worth $.025 with some time travel stuff as good but the
proselytizing as bad with a too-abrupt non-ending

Diane reviewed 'Wizards' by Willis as worth full price

Josh reviewed 'Immortals' as a 'turn-your-brain-off-and-it's-fun' kind of
movie, done in 3D and it's pretty, worth full price - but not 3D full price

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:24 pm

Rumor of the Week: 'He makes you watch sports'

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