Thought you might enjoy this:

Two rich guys are arguing politics. One finally says, "Look, I'll bet you a 
million dollars Obama gets reelected and sets up total health care!"
"You're on," says the other.
They go to a notary and record the bet, and as they're leaving the office the 
guy who bet on Obama steps off the curb in front of a bus.
He opens his eyes in a hospital room, and is amazed he's not in pain. His 
friend is there, not looking well.
"I had you frozen," says his friend. "It's been twenty years. I have good news 
and bad news. The good news is, you won the bet." He gets out his wallet and 
fishes out a note. "The bad news is, I don't have change for a billion."

Matthew Joseph Harrington

e pur si muove (the motto of consensus deniers since 1633)
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