Correction: I was impressed with how Kevin Standlee handled the Westercon 64 
business meeting and even more so after attend the WSFS meeting at Renovation, 
which Don Eastlake conducted. Kevin wasn't even sitting at the presiding 
officer's table. I had a real hard time following what was going on there and 
believe I may have even voted opposite how I intended because it wasn't clear 
what the issue was.

--- On Tue, 8/30/11, melchar <> wrote:

From: melchar <>
Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for Aug 29
To: "BASFA list" <>, "chris garcia" <>
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 6:49 PM

Meeting 2000

August 29, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale

Began at 8 pm - with Chris but without his Hugo

22 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1099 were accepted as 'to the point'

the Treasurer arrived late  - but a proxy Treasurer report is that at meeting 
1099 we took in $9.55 in the regular jar & $7.10 in the party jar

The VP reported that there was no 'Drink Tank' out - he was resting on his 
laurels and distracted by his shiny Hugo - but he plans to write one soon & 
that the next 2 'Journey Planets' will have themes of Sherlock Holmes & 

The President had nothing fannish to report

Adrienne announced that she had had a miserable week & that local fan Paul Metz 
had died

Ken announced that tomorrow he will be doing a fun radio show about John Peel - 
a BBC radio DJ - on KFJC from 2-6pm

Dave C announced that the August 'Cargo Cult' catalog was out & he is having 
some publisher drama

Jo announced that he will be working for Tango next week

Chris announced that Ann Vandemeer is no longer going to be editing 'Weird 
Tales' and it makes him sad, like cancer

Chris reviewed 'Unwoman Uncovered Volume 1' of her doing covers of other songs 
as fantastic & well worth getting & reviewed the last 2 episodes of 'True 
Blood' as a tease & still pretty good & reviewed Carrie Vaughn's 'After the 
Golden Age' as pretty good, worth paperback

Diane reviewed a tapas place, 'Alegrias' in SF on Van Ness as having delightful 
food & Chris agreed'

Jo reviewed 'Crazy Stupid Love' as it surprised him, that it was geared for 
adults & not predictable, had reasonable choices & was worth full price & he 
reviewed Chris' acceptance speech for the Hugo as worthy of nomination for best 
short dramatic film

then Renovation was reviewed again ... a ton.  Adrienne thought the ap was 
great & the free wifi was good when it worked & she was very impressed when 
[tall] Kevin handled a part of the WSFS business meeting & hopes they let him 
handle all of it next year & reviewed the Dr Who stuff with River Song as very 
contrived; Carole commented that the Orlando in 2015 bid is not technically all 
under the same roof;  Jo said the ap didn't work if the wifi didn't work;  Dave 
C agreed about the Dr Who as being contrived; Bill commented that filking had 
problems with where it was placed & the smoke was bad & the con facilities were 
far flung; Carole liked the programming volunteers;  Mo also thought it was too 
spread out & she missed seeing some panels but others she did see were 
excellent - met great people and had a great time & 'Vice President Adorable' 
gave the Masquerade 4 stars 

Howeird said Ye Olde Town Band gave another free park concert and it was bigger 
than before, they got a standing ovation & a retirement home took up a 
collection for them; he reviewed Motorola's re-hiring of him as he's been 
warmly welcomed back and it's been worth full price

Carole reviewed funding & bringing out an East Coast costumer to Worldcon as 
well worth full price

Bill reviewed 'Cowboys vs Aliens' as truth in advertising & full of mindless 
fun - worth either matinee or DVD & Carole approved of Daniel Craig as eye-candy

Ed mused on attending his 1st Worldcon long ago as he went mainly to see Alan E 
Nourse - who wrote 'Bladerunner' as he had a great time then

We did auctions =  buttons for $0.50;  books for $1.00, $0.25, $1.00, $0.25, 
$2.00, $1.25, $1.00, $1.00, $1.00, $3.00, $0.75, $1.00;  books on CD for 
$6.00;  various Worldcon things for $0.10, $0.10 & $0.10 & luggage for $0.50

we adjourned at 9:26 pm 

Rumor of the Week:  'Chris' next project will be Mr Adorable's weep-along blog'


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