I'm forwarding this for a friend. Please help, if you can.

--- On Sat, 8/27/11, Teresa (Tera) Jean Rich, DC <drt...@drtera.com> wrote:

From: Teresa (Tera) Jean Rich, DC <drt...@drtera.com>
To: "JANA BEEMAN" <enchantmentunlimi...@prodigy.net>, "Aziza Parker" 
<azizapar...@yahoo.com>, "Edward Muller" <emul...@edwardmuller.com>, "Lynette 
Harris" <edi...@gildedserpent.com>
Date: Saturday, August 27, 2011, 12:36 PM

STOLEN by a house cleaner during the summer while I was recovering my vision 
from an eye injury: Please pass these photos and descriptions with my contact 
around to any and all dance and costuming community people you know, especially 
in the Greater Portland, OR area to help me get the word out about these stolen 
costumes and clothes. I'm devastated at the loss of these items. The authentic 
embroidered Bedouin dress--black with unique and unusual bird design in 
particular has sentimental value since my mother (now deceased) bartered with a 
little old Arab man in market place for two days in Israel. She hand carried 
this dress back to me--that was back in the 1970s. I'm devastated at the loss 
of this precious gift from my deceased mother! All these dresses are custom 
designed and hand made just for me, some by me, some by others--each has their 
own story and have great sentimental value to me. If seen or found, please 
return to me (no questions asked),
 Tera Jean Rich a.k.a. Tera Vashtillyia. (My lesson learned: NEVER hire anyone 
to work for me that isn't bonded and insured as well as licensed, no matter who 
referenced her. Also, get covert surveillance system "nanny cam" installed.)   

If you are on Facebook, the photos with descriptions are posted in my album 
sections on my profile. Thank you for any help you can offer in my attempt to 
recovery these precious items to me. If for any reason you cannot access the 
following link, please email me and I'll email photos with descriptions 

Teresa (Tera) Jean Rich, D.C.
Doctor of Chiropractic
BeautyBeBeads Creations by Tera

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