Meeting 1099 August 22, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at very 8-ish pm - with Merv & Stellan & a Hugo 26 people attended we established a party jar The minutes for meeting 1098 were accepted as 'shattered' no Treasurer, but the proxy Treasurer report is that at meeting 1098 we took in $0.50 in the regular jar & $3.75 in the party jar The VP reported that he had a massive triumph - and won the Hugo. He had a good time: The President had 'nothing he could possibly add to that' & we said 'hi' to John Coxon [from England] & to Alan Stewart [from Melbourne] The Sports Committee reported that the winner of the 'last man standing' at the Renovation Dealer's Room was Larry Smith with an upset, finishing today Announcements: Ken announced that there is a Legion of Rasselon meeting this Friday at the Carls Jr on 1st & Trimble Lisa announced that Westercon 66 got more than 50 new memberships at Renovation & there will soon be online Registration Dave C announced that Oregon fan, Bill Trojan, passed away & announced that Albany NY fan, jan howard finder [aka Wombat] is in the Reno hospital = send cards to 1155 Mill Street, Reno, NV - the Renown Regional Hospital, room T427 Chris announced that Baltimore fan, Michael Walsh, is in the hospital with a kidney stone Reviews: Renovation was reviewed ... lots. Diane thought it was awesome & she's glad she went; Tom agreed with 'awesome' and thought the Masquerade ran smoothly; Sandra reviewed the Peppermill's carved ice rocket was freaking cool & that Reno pulled off a great con; Dave C reviewed it as 'keno', spent most of his time in the Dealer's room and did okay; Yvette reviewed Dr. Demento as awesome live & was glad Programming had aps - but the weather & smoking sucked; Stellan loved the programming & said his shower tried to sandblast off his eyebrows; John [Coxon] reviewed his party as awesome, said this was his first US con & had such a good time - and commented that casinos are confusing when you're drunk; Chris reviewed the Peppermill's stage as surprisingly comfortable: he also reviewed the Business meeting as entertaining, the Match Game was lots of fun, the Masquerade was awesome & the chicken fried steak was 'OMG good!'; Lisa reviewed the wheelchair company used as they had major problems, the Masquerade was incredible & the costumes were very good; Espania reviewed the art as wonderful & beautiful & Dave C then related several amusing anecdotes Stellan reviewed Eurocon 2011 as a cute little con & very nice; reviewed 'Deep State' by Walter Jon Williams as not as good as the one before it, reviewed being in Sweden for a year as it's a nice little place & he missed us I reviewed 'Cowboys vs Aliens' as better than I expected, a lot of fun - with lame aliens & still worth full price - then Trey reviewed it as I had over-rated it Yvette reviewed Lev Grossman's 'The Magicians' as she enjoyed it when the author explained that it was Narnia fan-fic Chris reviewed Lake Tahoe as wonderful - reviewed an eating place = 'Fire & Ice' as exciting, no botulism & there was fire & then reviewed 'OSS 117, Lost in Rio' as French & the most amazing movie ever Ken reviewed Dr Who Monopoly as the tokens are the same, they added a rubber tardis - have changed cards and property names but it otherwise plays the same some other stuff happened Alan [Stewart] reviewed 'Legends of Australian Fantasy' as pretty enjoyable & reviewed 'Red Dead Heart' - another anthology - as there were some interesting takes on vampires in some stories Dave C reviewed Jonny Porkpie's book 'The Corpse Wore Pasties' as worth pb & Chris follow-on'd that it was both silly & awesome Sandra reviewed 'The Detective & the Unicorn' & 'Centaur of the Crime' by Michael Angel as very good reads & both worth full price Trey reviewed Nathan Lowell's books 'Quarter Share', 'Half Share' & 'Full Share' as light space opera, nice reads & worth looking for We did auctions = buttons for $3.00; books for $1.00, $0.25, $2.10, $1.00, $0.25, $0.25, $1.00, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.25, $0.55, $0.25, $1.00, more buttons a book & a water bottle for $0.50 we adjourned at 9:45 pm - in memory of Bill Trojan Rumor of the Week: 'he's human, she's a unicorn, they're cops' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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