Hugo Awards 2011 was an incredible event that shall remain vivid in our
memories for many a year.

To the winners - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

To those who did not walk away with rockets for their pockets - Remember the
Persistence and taking joy in what you do * can * pay off. Keep the faith,
ladies and gents.

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Cheryl Morgan <> wrote:

> Dave said:
>  Basfans Chris Garcia and Cheryl Morgan won Hugo Awards at Renovation on
>> Saturday evening.  Chris won his first Hugo as co-editor of Best Fanzine
>> "The Drink Tank.". Cheryl won hers as part of the editorial team for Best
>> Semi-Prozine "Clarksworld."
> Many thanks to everyone who voted for me (including the folks who nominated
> Salon Futura). Sorry I can't be at any meetings to celebrate with you, but
> [Tall] Kevin has the Hugo if you want to take a look.
> Huge congratulations to Chris. No one is going to forget that win in a
> hurry.
> Love 'n' hugs,
> Cheryl
> Cheryl Morgan
> Emerald City: Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Reviews
> UK: 07742 196 331
> Skype: cherylmorgan
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