Furthermore, I've just learned that we can expect a constitutional amendment to 
be submitted that would enshrine MPC-2010-1 into the WSFS Constitution. It's 
basically the opposite of the resolution Rick noted below.

The _resolution_ can be voted on at Thursday's Preliminary Meeting, which is 
also when the nominations will happen for the Mark Protection Committee. The 
constitutional amendment could possibly be killed by 2/3 vote (objection to 
consideration), although I'd be surprised (and pleased) if there were quite 
enough votes to that. The constitutional amendment can be _amended_ at the 
Preliminary meeting, and I may have some possible amendments to propose at that 

The final version of the constitutional amendment, if it survives, will come up 
at Friday's Main Business Meeting. At the start of Friday's meeting we will 
vote on the MPC's members, as Rick explained. I expect to give a speech at that 
time endorsing certain nominees. 


-----Original Message-----
From: basfa-boun...@lists.basfa.org [mailto:basfa-boun...@lists.basfa.org] On 
Behalf Of Rick Moen
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 4:39 PM
To: basfa@lists.basfa.org
Subject: [Basfa] Upcoming SMOFfery tidbit at the Reno Worldcon

Kevin Standlee reminded members last night of an action taken at
Aussiecon 4 -- the one that had the effect of preventing Cheryl Morgan
from serving on the Hugo Awards Marketing Committee, of which she'd been
the leading member.  This was a vote of the Mark Protection Committee,
of which said Marketing Committee is a subcommittee.  The 14-member MPC
meeting in Melbourne suffered somewhat reduced attendence; four regulars
couldn't make it to Aussiecon 4.  And then one member (Scott Dennis)
left the meeting early.

So, a temporary five-member majority were then able to call the shots,
and passed the resolution in question:

   MPC 2010-1: Members of the Mark Protection Committee and any of its
   subcommittees must agree to decline nomination for a Hugo Award 
   presented in a year following a year in which that person served 
   in whole or in part.

Thus worded, the policy applied to exactly one person, Cheryl Morgan;
the Marketing Committee was thus deprived of her talents.

If you are going to Renovation, you have a chance to address this
matter, by attending Friday morning's WSFS Main Business Meeting, 10 AM
in Convention Center Room A02 -- because that is when Mark Protection
Committee's members will be voted.  

Two incumbent members are expected to be renominated:

Mark Olson
Stephen Boucher

Both were among the five who voted (in effect) to unseat Cheryl.

If you think the above-cited policy was inappropriate, please consider
attending the Main Business Meeting, and voting for someone other than
Mr. Olson and Mr. Boucher.

Also of relevance is a new resolution I just spotted on the WSFS
Business Meeting's agenda:

   Short Title:  MPC Eligibility Rules

   Resolved:  That the Mark Protection Committee is hereby instructed
   that it may not adopt membership eligibility requirements for itself
   or any of its subcommitteees that are more stringent than those
   imposed by the WSFS Constitution; and

   Resolved:  That any eligibility requirements previously adopted by
   the MPC affecting itselfor any of its subcommittees are declared

   Proposed by:

   Johnny Carruthers
   Membership #S584

   Chris Barkley
   Membership #A3386

   COMMENTARY:  Somewhat after the fact, I read about certain actions 
   that the MPC took last year at Aussiecon 4.  My initial reaction on
   reading about those actions was that the actions taken were clear and
   blatant violations of both Section 3.12 of the WSFS Constitution and 
   Standing Rul 7.6.  The intent of this resolution is to reverse the
   violations, and to ensure that similar actions do not take place in
   the future.

If passed by the voters, this resolution would also need to be approved
at Chicon 7 in 2012, before it could take effect.

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