Meeting 1098

August 15, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at very 8-ish pm - from a different angle

21 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1097 were accepted as 'ahem'

no Treasurer, but the proxy Treasurer report is that at meeting 1097 we took
in $22.00 in the regular jar & $46.00 in the party jar

The VP was not here

The President had nothing fannish to report except that Renovation is this

Jo announced that he resigned from his job and that come September he starts
work for Tango & that his van is here tonight

Diane announced that she starts work tomorrow on a new job

Mo announced that she has a large truck that has room, so see her tonight if
you'd like something carried to Reno

[evil] Kevin announced that Renovation is nearly here - that he & Andy are
running the Masquerade and could use some ushers

Jo reviewed watching a lot of 'Torchwood' as he likes it, but there are some
things he is having trouble with

Dann reviewed 'Cowboys vs Aliens' as gangs of fun - totally enjoyable; Mo
follow-on'd that the aliens were cheesy and not believable, but she
recommends it & Jo reviewed it as bothersome, if you can count

Diane reviewed books - 'A Boy and his Tank' by Leo Frankowski as she'd read
more by him on the subject; reviewed Eric Flint & David Drake's 'An Oblique
Approach' as enjoyable & John Ringo's 'Into the Looking Glass' as a fun read

Mo reviewed the library as fun because you can check out stuff for free &
she saw 'Ghost Town' on DVD as enjoyable - a sweet story with a good ending

Ed reviewed a book by Charlie Stross, 'Rule 34' as a sf murder mystery and
worth full price

Fred reviewed 'Among Others' by Jo Walton as an unusual genre - he could
connect with part of it, but not connect with other parts but still
recommends it - and he said Diane gives good shoulder rubs

We did auctions =  a book for $0.50

we adjourned at 8:55 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'the shat in the hat came back'

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