Hi Everyone

The Mythopoeic Website is http://www.mythsoc.org. Our webmaster has been on vacation, so it still shows This Year's Mythcon as the upcoming Mythcon, but we are listed under Conferences.

Join us early and often. Mythcon is in the Bay Area on about a 5 year cycle, so miss us now and you have to wait another 5 years.

And in review of this year's Mythcon - James A Owens own Coppervale Studios. And his website is http://coppervaleinternational.com/ in case you are interested.

Mythically yours,

On 7/26/2011 3:44 PM, melchar wrote:
Meeting 1095

July 25, 2011

Lisa announced that Mythcon next year will be Aug 3-6 in Berkeley - check 222.mythsoc.org <http://222.mythsoc.org> for details

Lisa reviewed Mythcon & back again as it was fun; they stopped at a place called the 'Roadkill Cafe' that had good food; they stopped at the Copperdale Studio and the artist is a real nice guy; the con was successful, 180 attendees and it was so much fun the 2 GoHs each wanted to have a Mythcon in their home cities - plus the hotel was decent - and overall she was pleased

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